Chapter 16

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I think I made real progress with Riyoko last night. Having her parents pass away at a young age is traumatizing. Not to mention, she had to watch it happen. She didn't talk to anyone probably because she thought it would be best not to get close to people, or something like that.

I should probably get going. We don't have a mission today but we definitely have some things to work on. Especially because of whats coming up in a few months. I make it to the training field and see Yumi to my surprise.

Yumi: "Good morning Sensei!"

(Y/n): "Good morning Yumi. What are you doing here so early?"

Yumi: "I woke up early and got bored so I decided to come here!"

(Y/n): "Enthusiastic as always I see."

We waited for about 20 minutes before Akiri and Riyoko arrived.

Yumi: "Hey guys!"

(Y/n): "Good morning you two."

Akiri: "Not so loud." *Yawn*

Riyoko: "Good morning."

Yumi went dead silent when Riyoko spoke, and she's NEVER silent. Even Akiri who was still half asleep was instantly wide awake.

Yumi: "You can talk?!"

Riyoko: "You thought I couldn't?"

Akiri: "Well you've never talked before. At least not to us."

Riyoko: "I know and Im sorry, but someone told me I should open up more. So, Im giving it a chance."

Yumi: "Yay Riyoko!"

Akiri: "Cool."

(Y/n): "Im glad to here that."

Yumi: "So! What are we gonna do today? Find a lost pet? Or escort someone? Oh! Fight some more bandits?!"

(Y/n): "No to all three. We actually don't have a mission today. We are here to do some training."

Yumi: "Oh come on! But thats soooo boring!"

Akiri: "Do you not remember what happened yesterday? When you got put on your ass by that bandit you were supposed to take down?"

Riyoko: "Akiri has a point. I have some things I need to work on as well."

Yumi: "T-that was just.... He just caught me off guard thats all!"

(Y/n): "Look, we did have a few minor mishaps on yesterday's mission, but thats not the main reason why we are training today. Aside from you three needing to hone your skills regularly, there is a very important event coming up."

Akiri: "An event?"

Yumi: "Really?! What kind?!"

Riyoko: "It's the Chunin Exams, right?"

(Y/n): "Exactly. In five months, the Leaf village will host the worlds first joint exams."

Yumi: "What does that mean?"

Akiri: "It means every hidden village will partake in the exams."

(Y/n): "Correct, which means that Genin from every hidden village will participate in the exams. Most teams don't know the exact date of the exams until a month before they begin, but luckily for us, Im close with the Raikage. He told me that they will begin in about five months from now. Thats plenty of time for us to prepare."

Yumi: "Alrighty then, lets get to training!"

Akiri: "Loud as always."

(Y/n): "One more thing. I have the final say in your entrance into the exams. If I deem that you are not ready, then all three of you will wait till next year. That means even if just one of you is not prepared, none of you will enter."

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