Chapter 8

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*3 Years Later*

       It's been a couple months since I graduated from the academy. It honestly felt like my time there went by pretty fast. Like, unusually fast. Almost like someone didn't have any ideas to put for my time there.

       After finding out about this photographic memory, school was pretty easy for me. I even managed to graduate early. Well kinda. Technically I was already a year behind kids my age but still. I also became a chunin before anyone in my graduating class.

       There was one thing that I was surprisingly disappointed about when I became a ninja though. I would have to quit my job at the café. Cant work there and be a ninja at the same time. Doing it while in school was hard enough. When I first told them about it, they didn't take it too well. Mizuni was quite upset. Boss was also mad because she would have to find a new employee.

       After 3 years of working there I got pretty close to those two. Especially Mizuni. We would hang out a lot after work. She would occasionally help my with my school work too, even though I didn't really need help. But it was the thought that counted.

       I was close with Boss too. She became sort of my grandmother. Even though she was upset that she had to find another employee, I could see that she was proud. That reminds me, I cant really call her Boss anymore. Mrs. Torumi is to formal. Granny it is. Now I stop by whenever I can.

       Ever since I became a Chunin I've been really busy. Usually I would be in a squad, but because of an odd number of new ninja, I'm kinda like a free agent. I'm assigned to whatever squad needs me at the time. I don't mind it though.

       Speaking of that, I have a mission today. It was early in the morning, and quiet. The walk to the Raikage's office was peaceful. The cool breeze along with the sunrise made it perfect. When I made it to the Raikage's office, the same two people were there sorting paperwork.

Darui: "Hey, (Y/n)."

(Y/n): "What's up Darui. Good morning lord Raikage."

Raikage: "Good morning (Y/n). Today you will have a mission with a team of two."

(Y/n): "Team of two? I thought there was supposed to be three, sir."

Raikage: "Their other teammate is on another assignment right now, which is why they need you for a substitute."

       Just then the door to the office swung open. A dark red haired girl with dark skin walked in along with a similar dark skinned boy with white hair following behind.

Girl: "For the last time Omoi, stop being so paranoid!"

       Just when it was so quiet.

Omoi: "But what if this time there really is a crisis?! Or maybe something happened to Samui and we have to go save her! Or maybe even-..."

Raikage: "Enough! It's to early for your bickering. This is Karui and Omoi. This is (Y/n). He will be Samui's substitute until she returns from her mission. He will be assisting you two in your assignment today."

Karui: "Sir, with all do respect, we can do this mission by ourselves. We don't need some genin to help us. He would only get in the way."

(Y/n): "First off, I'm a Chunin thank you very much. Second, anything you can do I can do just as well."

Raikage: "This is not up for debate. Now, you have your orders. Fill (Y/n) in on the mission. Dismissed."

       Karui scoffs and leaves the office with Omoi following close behind. This should be fun. I follow them outside and we start walking towards village gates.

(Y/n): "So anyone gonna tell me what it is we are supposed to be doing."

       Karui ignores me but Omoi was kind enough to answer.

Omoi: "We're supposed to be investigating possible shinobi sightings close to the village. They could just be bandits or something. Or they really could be shinobi. Maybe they're Jonin that are way more skilled than us. We might die. But then my family would be sad, and then I would feel bad for making them feel sad." *Rambles more*

(Y/n): "Is he gonna be okay?"

Karui: "..."

(Y/n): "Is he gonna be okay?!"

Karui: "Why are you yelling?!"

(Y/n): "Because you didn't answer me so I thought you didn't hear me."

Karui: "Im not deaf! I was just ignoring you."

(Y/n): "Why?"

Karui: "Because I don't like you."

(Y/n): "What did I do for you not to like me?"

Karui: "You simply being here is why I don't like you."

(Y/n): "Im only on your team for a day. It's not like Im replacing your other teammate."

       We proceed to walk in silence all the way to the designated area of our mission. We were at this road that had a few houses on the side.

(Y/n): "There's no one here. False alarm maybe?"

Karui: "That wouldn't make any sense. There were multiple reports of strange people here. No way it could be a false alarm. Unless it was...... a trap!"

Omoi: "GET DOWN!"

       I tackle Karui to the ground just before two kunai were about to hit here in the back. I helped here up when 9 shinobi jumped from the trees to surround us. All the shinobi wore head bands but each of them had different village symbols on them. The one thing they had in common is the horizontal cut over the symbol. They were rouge ninja.

(Y/n): "There's 9 of them. Thats three each."

Karui: "Not a problem for me. Sure you can keep up substitute?"

(Y/n): "Oh just you watch redhead."

Karui: "What did you call me?!"

       Before she could say anything else, I was already rushing towards 3 of the rouge ninja. One of them ruched at me with sword above his head. He swung straight down but I easily dodged and side-kicked him in his ribs which sent him flying. I took down the other two just as easy as the first one. These guy probably didn't even make it to Jonin before they deserted their villages.

(Y/n): "Im done with mine! What about you two?"

Omoi: "We've already got ours tied up."

Karui: "What happened to doing what I do just as good?" *Smirk*

(Y/n): "Whatever Im just a little-..."

Karui: "(Y/n) look out!!"

       I heard a familiar whistle coming towards me. In the corner of my eye, I could just barely see a kunai coming straight for my neck. It was too late to react. I couldn't do anything but let it hit me. A kunai thrown into my neck would surely kill me. Definitely not the way I wanted to die but if its my time, then so be it.

       Just as the kunai was centimeters away from my neck, my whole body turned to smoke. The kunai went straight through me. I then returned to my normal form. I looked up and both Omoi and Karui had their mouths wide open. Even the rouge ninja who threw the kunai was shocked. I then rushed over to him and knocked him out.

Omoi: "H-how did you do that?!"

(Y/n): "I have no idea."

A/n: We have just discovered a special ability! I feel like Ive seen this before. I don't really 'Remember'. Get it....cause the name......Of the story is Remember. No? I'll stop. Anyway thats about it. Til next time!

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