
1.7K 21 2

Hello people who read this book! First off let me just say how cool it is for almost 1k readers. As of right now, Im around 720 readers. That's amazing! Thank you.

Now the reason Im making this is so that I can let yall know about how chapters are going to come out from now on. Here lately Ive been trying to release a chapter every week day, but sometimes I don't have the time. I always feel like I have a deadline or something when Im just doing this because it's somewhat of a hobby. So from now on, I will be releasing chapter whenever I can.

Another thing I wanted to talk about is that I have ideas for another story. Its not another Naruto fan fic. Its another M Reader story with a popular anime. I'll give you a hint, its fanbase is VERY toxic. Most people should know what it is by that.

Don't worry, I am not going to abandon or discontinue this story. I hate it when authors do that.

I got about two story arcs left until I end this story. After that is when I will start my next story. I dont want to work on two at the same time. So with all that being said, expect chapters to come out a little later than usual.

One more thing before I go, Ive been making the chapters a lot longer than my others. Do you guys want longer chapters or do you want me to make them shorter? Let me know.

Anyway thats about it. Thanks again for all the views and as always, Til next time!

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