Chapter 2

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What was I doing? Oh, right. Food. I'm starving. Luckily there was a nearby town about a 20 minute walk from here. After a bit of walking, I reached the town and it was pretty busy. Understandable since it was it was the middle of the day. But that meant sneaking food from vendors would prove to be difficult. So I decided I should sneak something simple.

       I looked around for while and saw a bread stand. Perfect. I thought of a plan and approached the stand. As I got closer I saw a man placing different varieties of bread on some shelves for display. He noticed me and turned to face me.

Man: "Afternoon. Interested in some freshly baked bread?"

(Y/n): " Not quite. I was hoping if you could give me some advice."

Man: "Advice?"

(Y/n): "Yeah. You see, I live just a few towns over and I had recently started to bake bread myself. I find it easy and something I could possibly make money off of. Thats why I'm here to stock up on some ingredients. I've never run a business before. By the look, and not to mention the smell, it looks like you are doing pretty well. Got any tips?"

Man: "Ahh, I see. Well for starters you have to intrigue the customer with smell. Thats one of the most important thing to understand when selling bread or any type of food for that matter. Also you have to make sure it looks appetizing as well. Here let me show you."

       He turns around to grab something. I use this opportunity to grab a loaf off one of the shelves. Before I can put it in my bag...

?: "Hey! What do you think your doing?"

       I turn around to see a woman pointing at me. The man turns around to see the loaf of bread in my hand, halfway in my bag.

Man: "Put that back!"

       All this commotion starts to get peoples attention.

??: "Wait a minute. I think I recognize this kid. He sweet talked a woman then stole her fruit about a week ago in a village not too far from here."

       Guess it's time for a new mask and hood. More and more people started gathering around. This was getting out of hand. I gotta get out of here. I quickly shoved the bread into my bag.

(Y/n): "Sorry. Gotta go!"

Man: "Wait! Stop! Thief! Someone stop him!"

       I pushed past the crowd and started sprinting towards the towns exit. I weaved around a few people that tried to stop me with ease. Soon I saw the exit up ahead. Too easy.
       Just as I was about to leave, something hit me in the face, hard. I hit the ground and tumbled a few feet. I blinked a couple times and looked up to see two men and the man who was selling bread. He ripped the bag from my side and took back the bread.

Man: "You almost had me with that story, brat."

(Y/n) "It's just bread. Whats the big deal?"

Man: " Yeah well we don't like thieves in this town. Teach this brat a lesson."

       The two other men approached me slowly cracking their knuckles. One of them raised their fist, but right before he hit me, I woke up.

       Just a dream. Not just a dream, a memory from a few months ago. One of the very few times I got caught stealing. They roughed me up pretty bad that day, and I went hungry.

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