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A/n: This is the longest chapter Ive ever done. But its the last so I think its okay. I'll be posting a final A/N at the same time I post this. It regards some of my final notes on the story and future works. But without any further ado enjoy the finale chapter of "Remember"

       The train ride home was relaxing. Aside from Yumi asking Mitsuki multiple questions about his 'parent'. But nothing could bother me at this moment. With the mission finally at an end along with my past fully uncovered, I was at a completely peaceful state of mind.

       Hours past until we finally reached the village. We managed to catch the last train of the day back in the Sound so we made it to the Leaf pretty late.

(Y/n): "You guys can go on home. I'll give Lord 7th the mission report in the morning."

Akiri: "You don't have to tell me twice."

Yumi: "See yall tomorrow!"

Riyoko: "Goodnight Sensei."

        Mitsuki just gives a smile and walks away. I watch as they all head home until Im alone. Not manny people are out right now due to the hour. I use this perfect opportunity to stroll around the village and enjoy the quiet. I stop for a moment on a wooden bridge overpass. I use my elbow to lean over the rail and rest. The quiet buzz of the street lights and light chatter among a few villagers passing below were the only sounds other than the night ambiance.

?: "(Y/n)?"

       I flinch just slightly. The voice started me. I turned to see Hanabi. She had a look of shock on her face that slowly crept to a smile.

Hanabi: "Did I...Did I just startle you? I can't believe it. I did it. I finally did it!"

       She began pumping her fist in the air and celebrating. Kinda like a child. While this was happening I just stared. Seeing her reminded me of the mission. When I almost gave up. I cant believe I almost did. This is what I would have been missing. Her smile, her laugh, her company in general. She began to settle down.

Hanabi: "What wrong? After months of startling me you've got nothing to say when I finally return the favor?"

(Y/n): "..."

Hanabi: "(Y/n)?"

       I don't say anything. I just stand and approach her.

Hanabi: "Hey, are you ok-."

       I cut her by wrapping my arms around her. She paused for a minute before do in the same to me.

Hanabi: "I missed you too."

       We held each other for awhile until we separated.

Hanabi: "So, did you find her?"

(Y/n): "We did."

Hanabi: "And?"

(Y/n): "I'll tell you all about it tomorrow."

Hanabi: "What?! Do you know how anxious Ive been?"

(Y/n): *Chuckle* "I know I know but it's pretty late. Are you doing anything tomorrow?"

Hanabi: "Nope. Do you wanna take me on another date?"

(Y/n): *Smirk* "Maybe."

       We stood in silence for a moment.

(Y/n): "Well, goodnight Hanabi."

Hanabi: "Oh, right. Goodnight (Y/n)."

       I turned and began to walk away. She began to do the same. I thought for a second, then made up my mind.

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