Chapter 24

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(Y/n): "Lord 6th?"

Lord 6th: "Its been a while hasn't it? I believe the last time we saw each other was while you were on your way to the Five Kage Summit."

(Y/n): "Yeah. I cant believe you remember me."

Lord 6th: "Well its kind of ironic how many few shinobi wear masks."

(Y/n): "So you said that we needed to talk?"

Lord 6th: "We do. I'll try to make this quick since Lord 7th told me that this is one of your days off."

(Y/n): "Right. So what did I do to get the attention of the 6th Hokage?"

Lord 6th: "Your ability. You have the power to turn your body and anything you touch to smoke correct?"

(Y/n): "Yep. Like so."

       I transform to smoke and fly around the room. I then turn back and land in front of him.

Lord 6th: "I just had to be sure. Take a seat."

       He gestured me to a chair that wasn't usually in the office. I did as he asked and sat. Lord 6th then nodded to Shikamaru. He nodded back while heading to the door. He made sure it was shut and locked it.

(Y/n): "Whats this about?"

       Lord 6th just stared for a moment. This is making me nervous. What does this have to do with me and my ability? And more importantly, why did he lock the door? He then took a deep breath.

Lord 6th: "I made a promise to never share this information with anyone. But seeing that the Anbu is now under the Hokage's leadership, there shouldn't be any danger to those involved."

       Now Im even more lost.

Lord 6th: "Are you familiar with the name Orochimaru?"

(Y/n): "Yeah. He was a rouge ninja that was one of the 3 Legendary Sanin of the Hidden Leaf. Next to Lord Jiraiya and Lady Tsunade, also known as the 5th Hokage. But I thought Orochimaru died years ago."

Lord 6th: "Its complicated in terms of how or why, but he is still alive. The important thing is that you know who he is."

(Y/n): "Why?"

Lord 6th: "Around 30 years ago, while I was apart of the Anbu, he was ordered to be assassinated for inhuman experiments along with plotting against the Hidden Leaf. I was sent to make sure he was killed. Unfortunately I only left him wounded and he fled.

One of the Anbu's operatives named Yamato, received intel of a secret clan that lived underground that was once assisted by Orochimaru. The Anbu had reason to believe that he would go to this clan for assistance in reaching the border."

(Y/n): "Wait...are you referring to the Iburi Clan?"

Lord 6th: "So you know?"

(Y/n): "Not entirely. At the 5 Kage Summit, right before the war, I met Lord Danzo. I showed him my ability and he told me the bare minimum. All I know is that the origin of my ability might have come from this clan. But he also told me that they were all wiped out years before I was born. Im guessing Orochimaru was the one who did it.

Lord 6th: "Unfortunately, yes. But...."

(Y/n): "But?"

Lord 6th: "Not everyone was killed. There was one survivor."

(Y/n): "..."

Lord 6th: "It was a girl named Yukimi. No one except for me and Yamato know she survived "

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