Chapter 26

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Yumi: "Why is it sooooooo hot?!"

Akiri: "We just got here and you're already complaining?"

Yumi: "Yeah so what?!"

Akiri: "Why are you yelling?"

Riyoko: "Come on guys."

(Y/n): "Hey. Knock it off you two. We're on an important mission. You're shinobi, act like it."

       These two are like how me and Karui used
to be. Hell, we still act like that towards each other.

Akiri: "Where are we going anyway?"

(Y/n): "It says in her second most recent letter that she rented a personal tour guide to show her around the village."

Akiri: "If its her second most recent, then that means she met with this tour guide over 2 months ago. What if they don't remember her?"

(Y/n): "Most of these companies keep a registry of their past clients. Not only does it help the business, but its also for situations like ours. Missing persons."

Riyoko: "Ok that solves that problem. But, all the Hidden Villages get a frequent amount of tourists regularly. There's gotta be multiple tour guide companies here."

Yumi: "So how are we gonna know which on she went to?"

Akiri "We're gonna have to ask around and go to each, one by one."

Yumi: "But that gonna take forever!"

(Y/n): "Then we split up. That way we can cover more ground. We'll meet back at the station in 2 hours."

Students: "Right!"

       After that, they all went their separate ways as I did the same. I started asking around and a couple of the villagers told me about a couple private tourists companies.

       The first one I went to was a bust. They had no information on Yukimi. The next one I went too only kept a registry for up to a month. After that, the names are deleted. No luck so far.

       The last one I was told about was much larger than the last two. I walk inside and see the nice decor. This place looks pricey. At the front desk was a male receptionist.

Receptionist: "Good afternoon. How may I help you sir?"

(Y/n): "Im a shinobi from the Leaf Village on a mission to find a missing person. I have information saying that she rented a tour guide from a local company. Do you keep a registry of your previous clients dating back at least 3 or 4 months?"

Receptionist: "We do but unfortunately Im not allowed to share that information."

(Y/n): "Please, this is an urgent mater. There is a woman my team needs to find to make sure that she is okay."

Receptionist: "Sir, I understand, but unless the order comes directly from CEO, Im not allowed to share the information. If you would like you can schedule an appointment with him."

(Y/n): "Okay, when's the soonest you can make that happen."

Receptionist: "Processing may take about 2 to 3 weeks."

(Y/n): "Damn. *Sigh* I don't have that kind of time."

Receptionist: "Im sorry for the inconvenience, sir."

(Y/n): "Its fine. Thanks for your help."

       I went back to the train station and found Akiri and Riyoko sitting on a bench together.

(Y/n): "Hey, did you two have any luck."

Riyoko: "No. All the places I went to, their registry didn't go back but a month or two."

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