Chapter 13

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       Welp, here I am. The Hidden Leaf Village. I gotta admit, it's beautiful around here. I mean I love the view from the Cloud village but Ive ever seen so much green.

       I probably don't even have to find an apartment, I could just sleep in a tree like I used too. Actually now that I think about it my back is pretty sore from sleeping in trees for 4 days straight. Plus I would need a bathroom. Oh well, it was fun while it lasted. I take off my hood and start to make my way through the front gates.

?: "Excuse me sir?"

       I turn to see a female leaf ninja walking towards me. She was wearing all black with a green vest over it along with a black leaf headband. She had pale white skin with dark crimson eyes. She had short, messy black hair that looked strangely familiar.

Ninja: "Are you the Shinobi that was sent from the cloud to be a team leader?"

(Y/n): "Yep thats me. My name is (Y/n)."

Ninja: "Great! My name is Mirai. Im here to escort you to the Hokage's office."

(Y/n): "Alright. Lead the way."

       We start making our way through the village. Im glad I had an escort because this place is massive. It was also extremely busy. Hundreds of people walking around at once. The Cloud doesn't even come close to the Leaf when it cones to population. It also has a lot more tech than the Cloud. We've improved over the years but this place makes our stuff look outdated.

       Since Im here I should probably go visit Asuma's grave to pay my respects. It may not mean much all these years later but it doesn't matter to me.

       As we got farther into the village I noticed a big red building with the kanji symbol that read 'Fire'. Behind the building was a massive cliff that had 7 faces carved into it.

(Y/n): "Im guessing those were the previous Hokage?"

Mirai: "Yep. It also has the current Hokage, lord 7th. He's the one on the far right."

       I look to the second to last face to see the man that we met on our way to the summit all those years ago. I didn't know he became Hokage. I then look at the face on the far right. He looks awfully familiar. I feel like Ive seen him somewhere. I shook off the feeling and looked above the cliff to see a city with large skyscrapers.

(Y/n): "Are those buildings back there part of the village?"

Mirai: "Yeah. We started to run out of space in the village so lord Hokage allowed construction close by."

(Y/n): "What do you mean run out of space, this place is huge!"

Mirai: "Yeah but it wasn't always like this. It used to be much smaller, but about a year before I was born, the village was destroyed and left a crater. It was terrible, but they rebuilt and as ironic as it sounds, the destruction of the village later improved it."

(Y/n): "Oh yeah I remember hearing about that. It happened not long before the 4th great ninja war started."

       Before we could continue talking, we made it to the Hokage's building. We both went In and she lead me to the office.


?: "Come in!"

       We both step in. There I see a desk with multiple stacks if paper on it. Behind it was a man with short yellow hair and blue eyes. He also had 3 lines on each cheek that almost looked like whiskers. I swear Ive seen him somewhere before. He was wearing an orange jacket with black lines at the end of his sleeves.

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