Chapter 15

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       This morning started out just like yesterday. I woke up to the birds chirping and the sun rising. Also like yesterday I lazily rolled out of bed and started my morning routine. By the time I left my apartment, it was 7:30.

       I was told by Pr. Iruka that all teams meet at the training grounds each morning, but it was still pretty early so I had some time to kill. For about an hour, I walked around the village exploring. Due to my extraordinary memory, I should know the village like the back of my hand within a few days.

       I looked to one of the screens that are used for news or announcements to look at the time. It said 8:30 which means I have 30 minutes until my students should be there. I started making my way. Oh yeah. I was supposed to meet Asuma's nephew, Konohamaru, at the training fields as well.

       I got there with about 20 minutes left til 9 AM. The fields were still empty for the most part except for a few people just arriving.

       I went to a nearby tree to wait for more people to show up so that I could ask around for this Konohamaru. After I meet him, I will have met all of his family. I have a little more closure knowing that there are people who knew him well enough to tell me more about him.

?: "Your new. I don't think Ive seen you before."

       I was snapped out of thoughts by someone talking to me. I look down to see a girl around the age of my students. She had short black hair with dark eyes along with a pair of red glasses. She wore a red top that extended past her waist in the front and back along with a pair of dark white shorts. She also wore dark purple thigh-high stockings with matching colored arm warmers.

(Y/n): "Yeah. Im the team captain for the new Team 8. My name is (Y/n)."

Girl: "Oh! I had heard there was going to be a new team, I just didn't know when. My name is Sarada. Sarada Uchiha. Im apart of Team 7."

(Y/n): "Uchiha? I swear Ive heard that name before. My memory is super weird sometimes. Wait a second did you say that you were apart of Team 7?"

Sarada: "Yeah, why?"

(Y/n): "Wow."

Sarada: "What is it?"

(Y/n): "Nothing. Its just that you'd be amazed of how many coincidences Ive experienced over the past few days. Anyway I was hoping to meet your Sensei today."

Sarada: "Oh you mean Konohamaru-Sensei. He should be here in a few minutes. Unless he's late like last time."

?: "I was only late for like 5 minutes!"

       I turn to face the one who said that which was a man around my age walking towards us. He had brown hair and dark blue eyes. He was wearing the same uniform as me, except his was dark blue instead of black like mine. He also wore a blue scarf along with a red armband that had an emblem on it.

       Next to him was a boy around Sarada's age. He had light blue hair and golden eyes. His skin was a very pale white, even more so than Yumi. He wore a two toned kimono with dark blue on his left and light blue in his right along with a brown belt. He also wore darker blue pants with black sandals that stretched up his calfs.

Boy: "Good morning Sarada."

Sarada: "Good morning Mitsuki. You too Konohamaru-Sensei."

Konohamaru: "Good morning, and for the record, I was just barely late that one time. Anyway whos this?"

Sarada: "This is the team captain for the new Team 8."

Konohamaru: "Oh. So your the shinobi the Cloud sent us huh?"

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