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Well everyone, here we are. At the end of this long and eventful journey. As it was probably obvious this was my very FIRST fanfic, book, story. I have never done anything like this before and I must say, it was fun! When it came to writing in school I always hated it. It wasn't cause I was necessarily bad at it, I just found it boring. But making this story and seeing it all come together as I went was anything but boring. As I said before this was just a thought floating in my head that I thought would look good written down. Little did I know that it would turn out to be an actual full fledged book! Not only that, but I didn't expect nearly 40,000 people to read it! Along with over 1,000 people to vote on the chapters! While these numbers are great and I appreciate them, Im must say that the COMMENTS are what I look forward to the most. Seeing how y'all react to the characters actions as well as giving your opinions on the story is amazing. And last but definitely not least, I wanna say thank you to the people who followed me. So from the bottom of my heart, thank you for all the support.

Alright now that all the Thank You's are out of the way I wanted to talk about the story itself. As I said this was my first project so I am a little inexperienced. There's a few thin I wish I would've done different in terms of the plot and the characters. At some points I fell like it was rushed and sometimes I would forget certain aspects of the characters. For example, towards the beginning of the story when (Y/n) would eat in front of someone, but I would forget that he's wearing a mask. Simple things like that. But in the end I think the story turned out well.

NOW, on to more exciting topics. My future projects. As I said in previous A/N's I was thinking of doing a sequel to this story, and I have decided. I WILL be doing a second part. Yaaaay! This part will take on the perspectives of (Y/n)'s students Yumi, Riyoko, and Akiri. This means what they were doing while (Y/n) wasn't around and progressing the story further. As much as I am excited to continue this story, I am putting it on hold so that I can make my next (Mreader insert).

As you probably guessed from the hint I gave a while back, my next story is a (MHA x Mreader). The title will be "Morality" Im excited for this story as it has been an idea for quite some time. But, after making "Remember" I realized that it's difficult to stay consistent. So what will most likely do is make at least half the story before I publish anything. That way I can constantly release a chapter once week while also continuing to progress. So I might not post anything for quite awhile.

Well that just about wraps it up. Once again thank you for all the reads, votes, comments, and follows! I hope to see you all in the future. So as always...

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!🔥TIL NEXT TIME🔥!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Remember(M Reader x Naruto Various) Where stories live. Discover now