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1 year ago today, I decided to try something new. So I published the first two chapters of my very first story! I had no clue how to write a story and I didn't really have a clue where the story was gonna go. But here were are a year later with a finished book with over 55k reads and about 1.4k votes! So after taking all of this into account, I decided to give one more final send off for this installment!

*5 Years Later*

       Not to long after the events of the mission to save Yukimi and uncover my past, Hanabi and I moved in together. A year later I asked her to marry me. Much to my delight, she said yes and we moved into our house. But I must say, it was strange to think that the son and daughter of the Hokage are now my niece and nephew. Im kinda used to having an elder brother as one of the Kage, even though Lord 7th, or Naruto as Im now allowed to call him, is officially my legal brother in law.

       Now, 4 years later me and Hanabi trade off going on missions due to a certain someone. Fortunately for today both me and her have today off.

       I started to wake up around the same time I usually do. I sat up to look at the clock to see it said 7. I looked over to Hanabi. Her hair was a bit messy and she was quietly snoring. Cute. Its our day off, we should sleep in. I lied back down and wrapped my arms around her while she instinctively nuzzled closer.

       As I was slowly drifting off, I heard our bedroom door slowly creep open. Oh no. I heard quiet but heavy footsteps on our hardwood floor, along with sound if something dragging behind, coming towards the end of our bed. It can't be. It's too soon! I know my time would come, but now?! There's still so much I wanna do! I felt it climbing up the frame of the bed until it stopped. I then felt it jump. This is the end...of my sleep. It pounced and started shaking me.

Hana: "Good morning Mama and Papa!"

       I turned to lay on back. She was now sitting on my stomach with her blanket that she got from Hinata when she was born.

(Y/n): "An early riser as always I see. Good morning my little flower petal."

       I ruffled her hair as she giggled.

       This is our daughter Hana. We had her about a year after we were married. We originally wanted to have her name be both of ours combined somehow but it never sounded right no matter which way we would rearrange it. So we settled for Hana. She has my hair color that goes just below her shoulders. But her eyes are a spitting image of her mother's. She had just turned 3 recently so she's got plenty of energy in the morning.

(Y/n): "Why didn't you jump on mama?"

Hana: "Because I jumped on mama last time remember?"

(Y/n): "I do but don't you know what day it is?"

Hana: "Uhhh, Oh is it Christmas?!"

(Y/n): "Not yet silly. Its-"

Hana: "I know! It's Sunday!"

(Y/n): "No-I mean yes it is but-"

       I was cut off be her stomach growling.

Hana: "Papa, Im hungry."

(Y/n): *Chuckle* "I can hear that."

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