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Hello everyone! In my latest chapter I said that I would be posting this. You should go check it out if you haven't already.

As of right now, my latest chapter has risen my standing in the Hanabi category to #7 out of #289!

Anyway, I wanted to let yall no about a few plans that I had with this story. First off, if you read the Prologue, then you know that I made (Y/n)'s birthday February 14 (Valentines Day). Fun fact about me, that is my actual birthday. I know you probably dont care but whatever. ANYWAY. I have decided to scrap this idea for THIS STORY. This is due to multiple reasons but the main one is I don't even think they celebrate Valentines Day in Naruto. Plus, I think this will work way better with the character for my next story.

Next topic. After the Chunin Exams arc, I have about 3 more, and then I will be bringing this story to an end. There will be no sequel or part two. I may or may not make more Naruto stories in the future, but I don't know. Finally, I will be revealing my next fanfic at the end of the Epilogue. Sorry for the long A/n. After releasing this I will edit the previous chapters. Thats it for now. Til next time!

Edit: Its me from the future! Im editing this while going back to fix my spacing. So about 2 months later. Anyway, in this I said that there will be no Sequel. But I thought of an idea that might be interesting to do for a second part. I haven't decided yet but I will ask about it at the end of the book. So yeah stay tuned. Thats it!
Til Next Time!

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