Chapter 4

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(Y/n): "You wanna run that by me again?"

Asuma: "You should become a shinobi."

(Y/n): "So are you just messing with me or did you just ignore literally everything I just said?"

Asuma: "I heard everything thing you said, which is why you should become one."

(Y/n): "Why would I become one of the things I despise most?"

Asuma: "Well you said it yourself, some become shinobi for stupid reasons or only care about their village and nothing else."

(Y/n): "Yeah, so what?"

Asuma: "You can be the proof that not all shinobi are the same."

(Y/n): "But thats what your doing. Why would I need to become a shinobi to prove that when your already proving it."

Asuma: "Well as you can tell I'm not from here. You should be the one to lead the example of what a cloud ninja should be."

(Y/n): "Oh right that reminds me. What are you even doing here? By looking at that symbol on your sash, Im guessing your from the land of fire. What are you doing all the way in the land of lightning?"

Asuma: "I can't say much but I'm tailing a fugitive that attempted a terrorist attack on the hidden leaf village. As to the reason I cant be seen here is because the Hidden Leaf Village and the Hidden Cloud are on the verge of a peace treaty. If a leaf ninja it spotted here they might get the wrong idea."

(Y/n): "Okay but if your fugitive is all the way out here, why not let the land of lightning take care of em?"

Asuma: "Thats because he knows about the treaty. If he were to be captured by the cloud and questioned, he might try to say that the Leaf sent him as a spy or something like that."

(Y/n): "Therefore ruining chance at peace."

Asuma: "Exactly. By the way if you despised the shinobi so much, why did you stay so close to the hidden cloud village."

(Y/n): "To be honest, I was just to lazy to go anywhere else. This place was somewhat working out so I saw no reason as to why I should go."

Asuma: "Reminds me of one of my students."

(Y/n): "Your a teacher?"

Asuma: "More or less. I'm a team captain. I lead a team of three. You remind me of one of them named Shikamaru. He's a little older though by about 5 years."

(Y/n): "How exactly to I remind you of him?"

Asuma: "He's very lazy. He only wants to become a shinobi so that he can do whatever he wants, but not in a bad way. More like so no one can tell him what do. But he's constantly reminded that it's pretty much the opposite for a shinobi. Even though he is lazy, he's also a genius."

       Jeez what is this kid his son?

(Y/n): "Yeah that's great and all, but whats all that got to do with me?"

Asuma: "He's got so much potential, just like you. Difference is, he's on his way to discovering it, while you are wasting it."

(Y/n): "What do you mean wasting it? I'm using my potential to survive. If you ask me I'll be just fine using my potential for just that."

Asuma: "Maybe so, but you're okay with going through your whole life without having a purpose other than to survive? Just so you can die and have no one remember you?"

(Y/n): "First off, I still wouldn't have a purpose if I became a shinobi, and second, why would I need someone to remember me, what does it matter?"

Asuma: "Well what about your parents? I'm sure you wouldn't be stealing if you had a home to go to."

(Y/n): "No clue. One day I woke up in a cave on the side of a mountain not knowing who or where I was without any memory of my past."

Asuma: "Don't you want to find the out the truth?"

(Y/n): "Not really. I feel like if I found out something bad happened to my parents like someone killed them then left me for dead, then I would waste my entire life on something stupid like revenge and what not."

Asuma: "Thats at least a little better than what your doing now."

(Y/n): " I'm sorry I gotta ask, but why do you care what I do? You barely even know me."

Asuma: "Because you have potential that your wasting. Look, if you don't have a reason to become a shinobi then let me give you one. You said that most of the shinobi you've seen are one for selfish reasons, so be the one that shows them what it truly means to be a shinobi."

       He did have a point. I could be a way better shinobi out of all the ones I've seen. I guess it wouldn't hurt if I have some sort of purpose. But I would be being told what to do all the time. But at the same time I would go out on missions which would cure my constant boredom.

       On top of that I could meet new people and actually make friends, something I've been lacking since when, ......well since when I could remember. Another good thing that could come out of it could be a Cloud ninja friends with a Leaf ninja which could lead to an even better relationship between the two villages.

(Y/n): "Alright I'll consider it"

Asuma: "Thats the spirit."

       Once the food was done we ate and talked more. He then tosses his cigarette down and steps on it to put it out.

(Y/n): "I hear those things give you cancer. If thats true why would you smoke it?"

Asuma: "It's somewhat of a family habit. Plus it helps me think."

(Y/n): "Still not worth an incurable disease if you ask me."

Asuma: "Yeah, people constantly tell me that I should quit. I might. Anyway we should get some sleep, it's getting pretty late."

       With that we both went in our tents and went to sleep. Before I knew it, it was morning. When I woke up I was sort of confused. I'm not used to waking up in a tent. As I said before I usually sleep up in a tree or something.

       When I exited the tent I saw Asuma closing and packing up the tent he was using. He was already smoking again, too.

Asuma: "Ah, you're up. I was just about to wake you."

(Y/n): "Why? I thought you'd be gone by now."

Asuma: "Actually I'm quite curious to find out what your answer is."

(Y/n): "Answer to what?"

Asuma: "If you'll become a shinobi, what else."

(Y/n): "Oh right. Sure, why not? I got nothing better to do."

Asuma: "I'm glad to hear that."

       We finished packing our things. Soon we were both ready to go.

Asuma: "Well I guess this is were we part ways."

(Y/n): "Guess so. Thanks. For everything."

       He smiles then starts to walk off.

(Y/n): "Hey Asuma!"

       He turns to me.

(Y/n): "Next time I see you, you'd better not be smoking!"

Asuma: *Smirks* "Count on it!"

       He then walks away and disappears in the distance. After about an hour of walking I make it to a gate that has the cloud symbol on it.

(Y/n): "No turning back now."

A/n: Sorry bout the late post. I thought I already posted today. Anyway this was kinda boring ngl. I didn't have many good ideas for this one but whatever. As of now I received my very fist follower! Shout out to @MrBerkDerk I appreciate it. Anyway thats about it. Til next time!

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