Chapter 12

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       I just realized something. I have to be a Sensei until my students become at least Chunin! Im gonna be gone for at least a year! I know Mizuni and granny wont be to happy to hear that. More importantly, I wont be able to keep my apartment! This sucks. If I would have just kept my feelings to myself like most men I wouldn't be in this situation.

       This morning I woke up an hour earlier than I usually do so that I could talk with the landlord. Luckily he is a very nice guy and said that he would keep it vacant until I return. Now that I had all of that sorted out I should head to Darui's office to let him know Im leaving, but first I need to stop at a certain café.

       Oh wait I forgot, they don't open til 7AM. Mizuni probably isnt even there yet. I'll just leave a note. It would be kinda messed up if I just disappear for a year without saying anything. I did just that then went to the Raikage's office. When I got there, Darui looked more tired than usual, and he always looks tired.

(Y/n): "Did you even go home last night?"

Darui: "Nope. For the second day in a row."

(Y/n): "You need a vacation."

Darui: "Kage don't take vacations."

(Y/n): "One of the many reasons why I will never be one. Anyway I came in to let you know that I'll be leaving soon."

Darui: "Nervous?"

(Y/n): "About what?"

Darui: "Being a Sensei. Training Genin to be skilled ninja."

(Y/n): "Why would I be nervous? It wont be difficult or anything. All I have to do is teach them everything I know and then boom they become Chunin. Mission accomplished."

Darui: "Only if I could be there to see your face when you realize how wrong you are."

(Y/n): "Yeah whatever. They only thing that sucks about this mission is that its so, Dull." *Wink*

Darui: "..."

(Y/n): "Get it?.....Because you say.....everything is.....never mind."

Darui: "You should get going. I'll see you during the Chunin exams."

(Y/n): "Until then Big Bro."

Darui: "Don't call me that."

(Y/n): "You know you love it."

Darui: "Get out."

       With that, I was on my way. It was about 7AM when I reached the front gates. Before I was about to leave I heard a familiar pair of woman screaming my name.

(Y/n): *Sigh* "So close."

       I turn around to see Mizuni with granny on her back racing towards me. Probably cause granny couldn't keep up with her. She had the note that I wrote in her hand.

(Y/n): "Hey you two."

Mizuni: "What the hell is this about?! Your leaving for a whole year?!"

(Y/n): "At least. Could be longer."

Granny: "And you were gonna leave without saying goodbye?!"

(Y/n): "Thats what the note was for."

Granny: "I could be dead by the time you get back!"

(Y/n): "Hey cmon don't talk like that. Look you two, I'll be back before you know it."

Mizuni: "You'd better be. Its gonna be boring here without you."

(Y/n): "What do you mean? You got granny here to keep you company."

Mizuni: "As if! All she does is nag me on how to run my café!"

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