Chapter 9

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Karui: "What the hell was that?!"

(Y/n): "I don't know!"

Karui: "What do you mean I don't know?!"

(Y/n): "It means I don't know! Kinda stupid question don't you think?"

Omoi: "Guy's! We can discuss this later. Right now we need to go turn these guys in."

(Y/n): "Right"

We returned back to the village and turned the rouge ninja over for questioning. Im still very confused on what happened. My death was inevitable. That kunai would have definitely killed me. But right before it hit me my whole body turned to smoke. SMOKE! What does this even mean. I don't remember learning any jutsu like that, and my memory is phenomenal. Now that I think about it, its kinda ironic how I have probably the best memory in the village, but cant remember anything from my past. I gotta go see the Raikage. This is not normal. Maybe he's got some answers.

?: "There you guys are. Ive been waiting for you two to get back."

I turned around to see a well endowed woman. Unlike a certain redhead. She was tall with short blonde hair along with a straight face looking calm and collected. Again, unlike a certain redhead.

Omoi: "Your back, Samui!"

Karui: "Obviously dummy."

Samui: "Who's the kid."

(Y/n): "I was your substitute while you were on another assignment."

Karui: "He tried to replace you!"

(Y/n): "Just a substitute. Now if you would excuse me, I have to go talk to the Raikage to possibly find out why I turned to smoke."

Samui: "So are we. The Raikage requested to see Team Samui after you guys got back."

All four of us made our way to the Raikage's office. On the way there, me and Samui small talked. She was definitely way easier to talk to then the crimson annoyance walking next to me. When we arrived the Raikage's assistant, Mabui, was standing next to the Raikage who was sitting on his couch. He looked pissed.

Samui: "Lord Raikage. You summoned us?"
Raikage: "Yes.....Bee was taken by a rouge ninja from the Leaf by the name of, Sauske Uchiha. He has joined the Akatsuki as well. I need your team to deliver a document of intent to the Leaf saying that we will take care of Sauske. You also need to get all the information you can on him."

After receiving the news, Karui and Omoi started arguing. I don't know what they were arguing about because I tuned out.Lord Killer Bee was the Cloud's jinchuriki. He had the 8 tails inside of him. Whoever this Uchiha guy is must be pretty strong.

I was snapped out of my thoughts by the Raikage shouting at Karui and Omoi. When I looked up I saw that the Raikage was crying. Ive never seen him cry. But to be fair, Lord Bee is his little brother. After a few minutes of tears from Karui, Omoi, and the Raikage, team Samui set out on their mission. I was the only left in the office along with the Raikage and his assistant.

Raikage: "I have already received the mission report (Y/n). You are dismissed."

(Y/n): "Actually sir I was hoping there was something you could help me with."

Raikage: "Well then what is it?"

(Y/n): "Its kinda hard to explain."

Raikage: "Spit it out boy!"

(Y/n): "This will be much easier if I just show you."

When it happened, I did it unintentionally, but with my enhanced memory I can remember exactly how my body felt. I can remember just how my chakra flowed throughout my body. Putting these factors into place, I turned my body into smoke.

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