Chapter 25

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       This morning I woke up with the thoughts still running through my mind. But they were manageable. I look beside me to see Hanabi facing me, still asleep. Even with bed ridden hair she still looks beautiful.

       I get out of bed quietly and put on my uniform. I make some waffles with a side of bacon and eggs for me and Hanabi. I then go back into the room to wake her up.

(Y/n): "Psst."

       I poke her cheek teasingly.

(Y/n): "Whaky whaky."

Hanabi: *Groan* "Just give me 5 more minutes."

(Y/n): "As much as I would love to let you do that, you cant. Yesterday was our last day off, so we gotta get going soon."

Hanabi: *Sigh* I guess your right."

       She sits up and starts sniffing the air.

Hanabi: "Are you making breakfast?"

(Y/n): "No."

Hanabi: *Frown* "Oh..."

(Y/n): "I made breakfast."

Hanabi: "Oh thank god. Im starving."

       We both sit down to eat.

Hanabi: "This is really good!"

(Y/n): "Well I did work in a café for a good 4 years."

Hanabi: "Well it paid off."

(Y/n): "Hey, by the way, I don't think I ever said thank you."

Hanabi: "For what?"

(Y/n): "For yesterday, at the café. For letting me vent my pent up thoughts and frustrations. It helped a lot. Thank you...really."

Hanabi: "Like I said. Always."

(Y/n): *Smile* "Well because of you I decided that Im gonna get to the bottom of this little mystery and find out whether or not this woman is in fact     my...mother."

Hanabi: "Thats great! Buts it still sounds like you might be having second thoughts."

(Y/n): "No. Its just I still can't decide if Im hoping for her to be my actual mother or hoping for her to be a total stranger. All I know is either outcome is going to be...complicated."

       I wash our plates while Hanabi changes. Within a few minutes, we left my apartment.

Hanabi: "Hey, what time is it?"

(Y/n): "7:50."

Hanabi: "What?! Already?! I only have a little over an hour to meet with my students! And all my gear is at home!"

(Y/n): "So you're gonna be a little late. So what?"

Hanabi: "I've never been late, Im not gonna start now. That would set a bad example for the girls."

(Y/n): "Don't you think that-..?"

       I was cut off by her giving me a quick peck on my mask. Before I could say anything, she was already rushing to the Hyuga Mansion.

Hanabi: "I'll see you later!"

       That was unexpected, but Im definitely not complaining. Im glad she's gotten more comfortable.

       Now on to more stressing matters. I make my way to the Hokage's building and up to his office. Before I could knock, I saw Riyoko come around the corner.

Riyoko: "Oh, good morning Sensei."

(Y/n): "Good Morning Riyoko. What are you doing here."

Riyoko: "I actually came here to ask Lord 7th if you and Hanabi-Sensei were coming back today."

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