Chapter 30

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       She started..laughing? And not just a chuckle either. She was laughing so hard that she began to form tears. My students were just as confused. I gave her a minute to settle down.

(Y/n): "So is that a no?"

Yukimi: "Not a chance."

(Y/n): "..." *Sigh*

Yukimi: "Oh..Im sorry I didn't mean-."

(Y/n): "It's alright. I actually some what relieved. But on the other hand, this means Ive still got some searching to do."

Yukimi: "I didn't mean to get your hopes up. Ive never had any children so there is no possible way you could be my son."

Yumi: "Great. So now your right back to square one."

(Y/n): "Yes but my ability had to have come from the Iburi clan."

Yukimi: "There's still something I don't understand."

(Y/n): "What is it?"

(Y/n): "Its true that you can only possess the ability from my clan, but yours is different."

Riyoko: "How so?"

Yukimi: "I was different from the rest of the clan members. I had more abilities then them."

Akiri: "Is that why your smoke is a shade of pink?"

Yukimi: "Precisely. But thats not all. Out of everyone, I was the only one that could turn people and objects to smoke along with myself."

Yumi: "Just like Sensei!"

(Y/n): "But you said that you were positive that you haven't had any children, so how is that possible?"

       We sat in silence for a moment trying to wrap our heads around this mystery.

Akiri: "What about the one who wiped out you clan? Could he have anything to do with this?"

(Y/n): "Not likely. In the report it said that he replicated the ability, but only temporarily to get across the boarder."

Yukimi: "That snake drove a syringe in my neck and took my blood to do so. It nearly killed me but I survived."

       I began to think for a second until I thought    of something.

(Y/n): "What if he used some if your blood experiment."

Yumi: "What do you mean?"

(Y/n): "Obviously he used your blood to cross the boarder. But what if he still had some left?"

Yukimi: "Even if he did, the results would only be temporary. But yet here you are years later using the ability better than anyone in my clan ever could."

(Y/n): "Hmm. I suppose your right. Well, for now we all should get some rest. We leave for the Sound village early in the morning."

       Yukimi was provided her own room while me and my students had the same as last time. Its frustrating that I still haven't solved this yet but then again, Im glad I didn't have to have that awkward conversation with Yukimi.

       The next morning we left for the Sound. During the train ride I told Yukimi of my past so that she could maybe better understand my situation.

       A few hours later we made back to the Sound. We went back to the meeting location to where we were stopped by the same two Anbu from before.

Anbu: "I can see that the mission was a success. We'll take you to Captain Yamato now."

       We followed them back to the camp. Yamato was standing outside the tent looking over a document. He saw us approaching. Yukimi was behind the group so I don't think he's seen her yet.

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