Chapter 18

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       30 minutes has past, and it was time for the next match. During the break Hanabi told me who the announcer was. His name was Rock Lee. He was apparently the student to a famous shinobi known to be the greatest taijutsu master.

Lee: "Attention! The 30 minute break is now over. The next match will be, Shikadai Nara of the Hidden Leaf, vs. Akiri Kamatsu, also from the Hidden Leaf!"

       The two contenders make their way to either side of the arena. Shikadai pulled out a kunai and stood in a combat stance. Akiri pulled out two cards and placed them on the ground. He then summoned two short swords. They both looked like katanas, just half the length. He collected his cards and stood ready.

Lee: "You may begin!"

       They both darted towards each other and clashed their weapons. For a few seconds they went back and forth. It looked like Akiri was trying to test Shikadai's strengths and weaknesses. But it looked like Shikadai was doing the same. Smart minds think alike.

       Shikadai then jumped back and started to use his shadow jutsu. Akiri jumped around trying to avoid it. He was evading in successfully but it was obvious that his stamina was draining. While jumping he tried to throw some shiriken at him but he quickly deflected them and continued using the jutsu. They both seemed to be getting tired, but by looking at them I could tell that Shikadai was going to last longer.

       Akiri was going to have to think of something fast. He then took out about 8 or 9 cards and individually flicked them high in the air. He gotten good at throwing cards, in fact he can get them to stick in a tree just like shiriken and kunai. While in the air, each card summoned a couple smoke bombs. Shikadai's jutsu then disappeared.

Hanabi: "He covered the sunlight with the smoke!"

       Akiri threw a smoke bomb at the ground next to Shikadai which then engulfed him in it. Akiri jumped up and fanned out a bunch of cards. They all summed multiple kunai that rained down on the smoke. Shikadai jumped out the cloud with his clothes torn and multiple cuts on his body. He fell to one knee holding his arm.

       This was his opportunity. Akiri saw it and rushed towards him with his swords drawn. At incredible speed, Akiri was right in front of Shikadai.

       He went to slash him but stopped right as the blade hit him. He just froze. He looked down at Shikadai, but he then turned into a log. I looked behind Akiri to see Shikadai using the shadow jutsu, having caught him. Akiri looked up to see that the smoke that he used earlier was already dispersed. He dropped his weapons.

Akiri: "Im done."

Lee: "The match is over! Shikadai is the winner!"

       Shikadai then released the jutsu and walked to Akiri. They both shook hands and smiled. It seems like he didn't take the loss very hard. They both left the area.

Hanabi: "Those two were probably the most evenly matched out of all the Genin. Akiri was so close."

(Y/n): "Yeah. Those two are really something."

       After a few minutes, Akiri came up to the stands and sat with us.

(Y/n): "You don't seem that upset that you lost."

Akiri: "Yeah well I knew from the start it was going to be exhausting and that Shikadai was very skilled, not to mention very smart. Im not going to get upset that I was bested by someone more skilled than I am. Plus, I hang out with him sometimes so we're friends."

Hanabi: "Regardless if you lost, that was still very impressive how you figured out his jutsu's weakness. And using smoke again to blind him so that he couldn't see the incoming projectiles. Your not that far behind him in terms of skill, or intelligence."

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