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Hello people who read my story cause they aint got anything better to do! For starters, by the time of me publishing this, my story, no...OUR story has reached about 15K reads! Big milestone ladies and gentlemen!

This A/N is to let yall know that I may or may not be taking a break from this story. I know I know, its a terrible place to stop. We just have so many questions like, will we ever find our mom? Or why did she leave us in that cave? Or why did this turn into a (Reader X Hanabi) Fan fic for a good 3 chapters? Just so many questions that we cant wait to be answered cause we love this story so much. Right?.....RIGHT?!

Now the reason this is isn't because I don't what happens next, because I do, I just haven't found the patience to do it yet. But the reason why is I just read a fan fic, and I thought of a character and story on the same topic, that I don't want to fade. Surprisingly, it isn't anime related. It's actually DC Comics related. And it is another (M reader).

But, while I am going to be writing this, I won't be publishing it. I don't know if I ever will but if I do, it probably won't be for a while. So yeah, the break might not even last that long. Hell, I might post Chapter 26 tomorrow (not likely). So you might not see an update for a week or two.

But in the meantime you could go comment on Chapter 3 and tell me who your favorite Naruto character is. Or, tell me who your favorite DC character is. The Flash is my favorite superhero of all time.⚡️⚡️

Anyway, sorry for the inconvenience. I hope to get back to this soon. Thats about it for now. And as always.....TIL NEXT TIME!!

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