Chapter 3

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(Y/n): "Who the hell are you?"

?: "Drop it."

       I stare at him. I sense this strange aura coming from him, one of great power and strength. He then tightens his grip on wrist. I'm not gonna be able to beat this guy, and thats saying something, at least for me.

       I drop the kunai with it stabbing into the wooden floor, inches away from the owners head. He then pulls me off the owner and lets go. The owner then gets up and stands behind the man.

?: "Whats going on here?"

Owner: "This guy broke into my shop and started stealing things. There was a rumor spreading of a thief that goes from town to town who steals food and supplies. I came back to my shop after closing up to see if the rumors were true. Turns out they were, and he nearly killed me!"

(Y/n): "You came at me first!"

Owner: "You expect me to just let you steal my merchandise?!"

       Fair point.

?: "Enough."

       I could see the owner look at the broken light and then glared at me I assumed. He then turned around and went to the corner were he went to turn on a lamp.

?: "Wait!"

       But the owner had already turned it on which lit up the room just enough for us to see what the unknown man looked like.

(Y/n): "You gotta be kidding me."

       The man was wearing a navy blue long sleeve shirt with matching pants. Over his shirt, he wore a dark green vest. There were these red swirling circle things on both his shoulders. He also had a red kanji symbol that read 'Fire' on a white sash that he was wearing to his side. He had black, spiky hair along with a bushy chinstrap beard. And of coarse he had a metal plated head band that had a symbol of what looked like a leaf. But I've never seen his kind before. Doesn't matter. He was a shinobi.

Owner: "Hold on a second. You're a leaf ninja!
What are you doing in the land of ligh-.."

       Before he could finish, the shinobi swiftly rushed over to him and put him in a headlock. After a few seconds of struggling, the owner was knocked out. He then turned towards me.

(Y/n): "I'm guessing I'm next?"

Shinobi: "No. Your just a kid."

       It annoyed me a little when he said that.

Shinobi: "Plus I could use your help."

(Y/n): "What makes you think I'm gonna help a total stranger?"

Shinobi: "Fair enough."

       He then got up and walked up to me. He raised his hand.

Shinobi: "My name is Asuma. Asuma Sarutobi."

(Y/n): "(Y/n). Im still not helping you with whatever it is your doing."

Asuma: "Fine. But I'm gonna need you to put back what you sole."

(Y/n): "No way. I got those fair and square. Well....more or less."

Asuma: "Look, if you put back what you stole, I can give you some supplies. I also have some food."

(Y/n): "I don't need your charity."

*Stomach Growls*

Asuma: *Smirks* "I think your stomach says otherwise."

(Y/n): "Damn it.......Fine. What are you trying to do anyway?"

Asuma: "I can't be seen here. So, I plan to make all of this just look like a bad dream. Thats why I need you to put back the things you took."

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