Chapter 10

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       Ive been out here for quite a while. Almost an hour I think. My fingers and toes are starting to go numb. I feel so lost right now. I didn't even know him that well so why am I taking it this hard? I should head back. They're probably wrapping the summit up right about now. I just want to go back the village and stay at home for a few days.

       I start making my way back to the summit. I didn't even find out about his death till months later. Thinking about that made it much worse. I know that when I became a ninja that stuff like this would happen. After all the death Ive seen over the years, I thought it wouldn't effect me as much. But when someone close to you dies or worse, killed, its a whole different story. This is so much harder. I don't even know if I want to continue being a shinobi anymore. I was doing this because of him. But now he's gone, so whats the point. After I got pretty close to the summit, I saw smoke.

(Y/n): "What the hell?"

       I rushed inside to see the interior mostly in ruins. I need to find the Raikage. As Im rushing through the halls, I see some samurai helping other samurai who seemed to be wounded, some dead. This does not look good.

       Within seconds I rushed in to the room were the summit to see all the Kage, except the Hokage, along with all the body guards. They all seemed to be preparing to leave. I look over to the Raikage and see that he's missing his left forearm.

(Y/n): "Lord Raikage!"

       Darui, C, and the Raikage all looked to face me. Dauri gave a sigh of relief while the Raikage glared at me.

Raikage: "Where have you been?!"

(Y/n): "Im sorry sir. I stepped out for some air. I should've been back sooner. What happened here?"

Raikage: "Sasuke Uchiha and other members of the Akatsuki attacked the summit. The threat is gone, for now."

(Y/n): "What happened to your arm sir?"

Raikage: "I had to amputate it. Im fine."

(Y/n): "I should've been here. Im so sorry lord Raikage."

Darui: "Look (Y/n), nobody blames you for leaving for awhile. I told them what happened and they understood. I would have dine the same."

C: "We're just glad to see that you're okay."

(Y/n): "Thanks. So what now?"

Raikage: "We prepare."

(Y/n): "Prepare for what?"

Raikage: "War."

(Y/n): "What?!"

Darui: "One of the Akatsuki members, named Madara Uchiha, appeared in-front of all of us and demanded for the remaining two jinjuriki, Lord Killer bee and Naruto Uzumaki. All the Kage refused of coarse, then Madara declared war on all the 5 great nations. After some discussion, an alliance was formed between every nation so that we may fight the Akatsuki as one."

(Y/n): "Glad we could all finally all get along. Wait, I thought they Akatsuki already had lord Bee."

Raikage: "He escaped and used this as an opportunity to play hooky!"

(Y/n): "Sounds just like something he would do. Also, were is the Hokage? Did he leave already?"

Raikage: "After the summit he was determined to be too suspicious. Turns out he wasn't officially the Hokage yet. The Kazekage plans to pass the information about the Allied Shinobi Forces to Kakashi Hatake."

(Y/n): "You mean that ninja we saw on the way here?"

Raikage: "Yes. He at least seems more trustworthy than Danzo."

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