Chapter 20

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       I awoke to loud commotion. It sounded like a mix if shouting, children crying, and people running around. I slowly open my eyes as they flutter up and down. When the blur fades, I see that Im in on a bed in a big room. It looks like Im in a hospital.

       To my right was a curtain, probably covering someone else on a bed. I then look to my left to see my 3 students. Yumi was anxiously bouncing her knee while Riyoko sat calmly. As for Akiri, he had his arms crossed with his head hanging down quietly snoring. I slowly sit up when Riyoko notices me.

Riyoko: "Sensei, your awa-"

Yumi: "Sensei!"

       She then jumps on me, which wakes Akiri.

Akiri: "Bout time."

(Y/n): "What happened?"

Akiri: "Well after you saved me, Sumire, and Hanabi-Sensei, you just collapsed. We got worried at first but then she used her Byakugan to see that you basically used up all your chakra."

Riyoko: "They then helped carry you here."

Akiri: "You know for someone made out of smoke, you're really heavy."

(Y/n): "Im not made of smoke."

       I get up and walk to a nearby window. Outside were many people along with rows of tents.

Riyoko: "A lot of people got hurt. The hospital started to fill up. So they made stations outside so that they could tend to everyone."

(Y/n): "And you got me lying in a bed because of exhaustion while someone who is actually hurt is outside?!"

Yumi: "You were one of the first few to get here."

(Y/n): "That shouldn't matter."

       I walk outside the room. The hallways were filled with injured people. As I was about to approach a random person who could use my bed, I see a familiar boy. It was Hadon. He was sleeping on a mat on the floor with his leg in a bandaged cast. Next to him, was Hanabi talking to his mother. I make my way over to them.

(Y/n): "How's he doing?"

Hanabi: "Oh your awake. He's going to be okay but Im sure the pain isn't pleasant."

Mother: "Thank you again for saving him."

(Y/n): "Glad I could help."

       Hadon then turns in his sleep. He looks uncomfortable.

(Y/n): "Lets get him to a bed."

Mother: "The doctors told us that there were no more beds available."

(Y/n): "Yea well they just had open up. I can't believe they had me in a bed while he sleeps on the floor."

       I carefully pick him up, trying not to move his leg too much, and make my way to the room. He wakes up while Im carrying him.

Hadon: "(Y/n)? It is you, you're okay!"

(Y/n): "Of coarse I am. Im not the one with the broken leg here."

       I make it back to the room and see that my students were still there.

(Y/n): "Yumi, grab a pillow for him to prop his leg on."

       She nods and does what I ask. I lay Hadon down gently while putting his leg on the pillow.

(Y/n): "Better?"

Hadon: "Yeah. Thanks."

       His mother soon came in. I motioned for my students to leave them. Yumi punched Akiri in the shoulder to wake him up.

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