Chapter 29

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       The massive crowd of bandits rushed towards us, all of them smiling and laughing. They have no idea that I'm about to take out at least half of them.

Yumi: "If you have a trick up your sleeve now would be a great time to use it Sensei!"

       I quickly make a few hand signs then clasp my hands together.

(Y/n): "Gale style. Laser Circus!"

       Multiple beams of blue lasers shot out from my hands and blazed towards the crowd. Before most of them could even blink, they had blue beam going through their chest. About half the crowd collapsed while the others stood in shock.

Bandit: "W-what the hell just happened?!"

(Y/n): "I just trimmed your numbers down to size. NOW its a fair fight."

Kizuato: "I think your math is off. There's still at least over 20 of us still standing. So how exactly is this even?"

Yumi: "He's got a point Sensei."

(Y/n): *Smirk* "I never said that it was even. I said that it was FAIR."

Kizuato: "Is that right? Well, lets see how cocky you are when we tear off your limbs."

       I turn towards Yumi and tell her my plan low enough to where only she could hear.

Yumi: "Are you serious?! Sensei are you sure     you can-?!

(Y/n): "Everything is gonna be alright, I promise."

Yumi: "...*Sigh* Please be careful."

       I nod and turn back to the crowd.

Kizuato: "Are you two finished? No matter what plan you come up with the result will be the same. You in pieces with her in a cell."

       Yumi then pulls out a ninja tool and throws it to the ground. Before it goes off I turn away and cover my eyes. The device detonates and produces a very bright flash, blinding the mob of bandits. After a few seconds they blink and rub their eyes to only see me.

Kizuato: "Where'd the girl go?!"

(Y/n): "Thats the least of your problems right now."

Kizuato: "Deal with him while I look for the girl!"

       He runs off while the bandits start to surround me. I am extremely outnumbered. Most Jonin would be panicking right now.

       Just then I realized I was shaking. It wasn't obvious to where they could see but my hand wasn't completely still. Most would see this as normal as it shows that I'm nervous, but this is different. Im not nervous, Im EXCITED. My ability makes it very easy to take down my opponents. But right now, its like I'm fighting with one hand behind my back. I pull out two kunai and spin them around in both hands.

(Y/n): "Lets have some fun shall we?"

       They all raised their weapons shouting while rushing towards me. With a smile under my mask I rushed towards them but much faster. At blinding speeds I made contact with the mob and sent a few of them in the air.

       I went back and forth with all of them. They were quite literally push overs. One tried swinging metal pipe to my head while another came from behind with a sword. I swiftly ducked and turned around to grab the one from behind and pull him closer. He was then hit with the pipe. The others saw this.

Bandit: "Hey who's side are you on?!"

Bandit: "He got in my way!"

       They then began arguing amongst themselves. This is just one big mob of idiots.

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