Chapter 5

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       Well, here I am. The Village Hidden in the Clouds. This is where it begins for me.

       I start to walk through the gate, I can see many buildings sticking out and embedded into stone. I wouldn't really call them mountains because they're pretty thin.

       As I'm walking through the village, I noticed that I was receiving odd stares from people and shinobi. I can't blame them though. I would be suspicious too, if I saw a masked and hooded figure walking through my village.

       Alright, now I need to find the academy. When Asuma and I where on the topic of me becoming a shinobi, I asked him how to become one. He told me that a shinobi needs to attend four years at a ninja academy before they become an actual ninja. After you graduate, you start out as a Genin. He told me through experience and achievements I will rise in ranks starting from Genin, to Chunin, then finally Jounin. He told me if I wanted to go even further than that, then I can aim to become the next Raikage. I don't think I have what it takes to run a village so I'll just stick with Jounin.

       Since I don't know anything about this village I should probably ask were to find the academy. I look around me to see who I can ask. I see a few shinobi still looking at me strangely so I should just ask a villager. I then see a middle aged woman walking with a little boy which is her son I presume. She seems nice. I take off my hood so that I seem a little more friendly.

(Y/n): "Excuse me, ma'am? Do you think you could give me some directions? I seem to be lost."

       She turns to me while holding the boys hand and gives me a warm smile.

Woman: "Of coarse. Where are yo-"

Boy: "Hey, cool mask! Why are you wearing one?"

Woman: "Hey, it rude to ask a question like that. I apologize for my son. He's a very curious boy."

(Y/n): "No no its quite alright I don't mind."

       I kneel down so that I'm at his level.

(Y/n): "I wear this mask because it makes me feel safe. And, its just like you said it makes me look cool, right?" *Wink*

Boy: "It sure does! You look just like a ninja!"

(Y/n): "I do? Well, thats one step closer I guess."

Woman: "Oh. You wish to become a shinobi then?"

(Y/n): "Yes. Thats why I'm looking for the ninja academy. Do you know were it is?"

Woman: "Of coarse. Its that building on that mountain right over there."

       She points to a building sticking out of a mountain which is connected to where we are by a bridge.

(Y/n): "I see it. Thanks for the help"

Woman: "No problem."

Boy: "Bye mister!"

(Y/n): "See ya, kid. Stay curious."

       The woman smiles and then walks away with the boy still holding her hands. I start crossing the bridge that leads to the academy. I stop halfway to look over the edge. The village was pretty far up but it didn't bother me. I love the view from high places, it's the falling part that I don't like.

       I make to the academy and it looked kind of empty. Maybe there was no school today. I walk in the front doors to find that it was empty just as it seemed.

(Y/n): "Hello?! Is anyone here?!"

?: "Can I help you?"

       I turned around to see a bit over middle aged man standing in the doorway of an office.

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