Chapter 7

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       Finally! After a whole month of doing nothing but working at a café, I can finally start school. It's not like working there was that bad, it just got repetitive and boring. But since I was working I managed to stack up a whole bunch of cash. I don't really buy a lot of things so I kinda just stuff the money into a box in my apartment and let it build.

       Alright got my fresh new hoodie and mask, looking clean. I smell fine. Teeth brushed. Time to go. I walk outside, lock my door, and started heading towards the academy.

      It was still pretty early and I had some time to kill. So I decided to stop by the café. Once I get there I see Mizuni setting up tables and Boss writing stuff down by the counter.

(Y/n): "Morning you two."

       They both jumped

Mizuni: "How do you keep doing that?!"

Boss: "I swear one day your going to give me a heart attack! Don't you know how old I am?!"

(Y/n): "Oh come on. You don't look a day over 35."

Boss: "Nice try, but your still not getting a raise."

(Y/n): "Damn. Worth a shot."

Mizuni: "What are you doing here anyway? Isn't it your first day at the ninja academy?"

(Y/n): "Yeah, but it's still pretty early. I thought I'd stop by and maybe receive some words of encouragement and maybe some tips."

Mizuni: "Don't look at me. I didn't go to the ninja academy. I did my general studies and was done with it. I'd like to keep my life thank you very much."

(Y/n): "Yeah, I know you didn't go to the academy but you still went to actual school. Ive never been to a school."

Mizuni: "I guess you're right. Well first off, get on the teachers good side. But not too much. You don't want to become one of those annoying teachers pets. Oh! And don't try too hard, it'll make you look cooler. Oh! And don't talk to anyone. That also makes you look cool. Oh and don't forget to-..."

Boss: "Enough Mizuni! Look (Y/n), just be yourself and do your best. I'm sure that you will make a great shinobi."

       Me And Mizuni both went wide eyed.

(Y/n): "Woah. Boss...are you being...nice?"

       Mizuni was too shocked to say anything.

Boss: "What? Of coarse not! Now get the hell out of here before your late!"

Mizuni: "Aaaand, she's back."

       She then kicks me out the door. But before I left...

(Y/n): "Hey boss!"

Boss: "Hmm?"

(Y/n): "Thanks."

Boss: "Yeah, whatever. Don't forget you still have work after so you better show up on time!"

Mizuni: "Hey, where's my thanks?!"

Boss: "What do you mean where's your thanks?!
You nearly ruined his life with that advice you were giving him!"

Mizuni: "What are you talking about? I was just telling what I did when I was in school. And look at me! I turned out great!"

       Me and boss just stood there and stared at her.

Mizuni: "What?"

(Y/n): "I gotta go. I'll see you two later!"

       I then start running off towards the academy. When I got there, class was just about to start. As I entered the classroom I noticed that most of the kids were already sat down. All of them were a year younger than me. Since I don't have any sort of academic record, I have to start were everyone else starts. Usually, just a year in age difference wouldn't be that noticeable, but as I said before, I'm taller than most kids my age along with a deep voice.

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