Chapter 1

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       It's been a year and a half since I woke up in that cave. And to be honest, I'm doing great! Most kids my age would be being told what to do all the time or have their parents always telling them what they can't do. But not me. I don't take orders from anyone. And I can go were I want, when I want. I'm outside enjoying the nice late night breeze and admiring the stars while other kids are being told to go to bed. Couldn't be me.

       At the moment Im walking through a very small village. After that 'incident' shortly after I left the cave, I climbed a slightly bigger mountain. When I reached the top I saw many small towns and villages. I looked off in the far distance, there were multiple tall mountains reaching the clouds. I could just barley see through them, but just enough to see structures on the side of them. I was curious so I started heading towards them. But as I got closer I began to see more and more shinobi going to and from the strange mountain structures. So I decided to just stay away from there.

       As time went on I went from village to village, town to town surviving on my own. As I was reminiscing about the past year and a half, my stomach began to growl. Speaking of surviving. It was late at night, somewhere around 10 or 11pm but there were still stands open and a few people walking around. Mostly drunks or young couple's.

       Alright first things first, I'm going to need some vegetables. I seemed to be naturally good at a lot of things and cooking happens to be one of them. I can make a killer vegetable stew. Considering that I'm self taught, I find that impressive if I do say so myself. Not like anyone else will be trying my food.

       Usually vegetable stands aren't open this late but there is one that stays open till midnight. All this time, I've been getting by by stealing. And since I stay in somewhat of the same general area, someone from a different town could recognize me. To avoid this I cover my face. Plus, ever since I saw what happened to those two shinobi, I've always worn a face mask. It gives me some sort of self security. I also have recognizable (H/c) hair so I wear a hood as well.

       After walking for a while I find the vegetable stand. There was an elderly man who looked as if he was closing up.

(Y/n): "Excuse me, sir."

I must have startled him a bit because he flinched and dropped a box of onions. This won't be difficult.

(Y/n): "Oh, I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you."

Man: "It's quite alright. I just wasn't paying attention."

(Y/n): "Here let me get that for you."

Man: " Thank you young man."

       I smirked to myself when he said that. Despite me only being 8 years old, I was taller than most kids my age. Plus I had a relatively deep voice. Most people thought I was somewhere near 11 or 12.

       As I was picking up the onions I slyly slid one of them in my bag that I was wearing to my side. When I finished I handed him the box.

(Y/n): "If you'd like I wouldn't mind helping you close up for the night."

Man: " Of coarse. I'll take all the help I can get."

       As I was helping, it was quiet. So I decided to start some conversation so that I wasn't obvious when sneaking the vegetables.

(Y/n): "So if you don't mind me asking, why have a vegetable stand open so late at night?"

Man: " Well as you can probably tell, I'm an old man. Even though I've been a farmer for nearly 30 years, my body can only do hard manual labor for so long before it gives out. And its just me. So my options were to stop farming vegetables and have no source of income, or work longer hours."

(Y/n): "Sounds rough. But what's a good looking man such as yourself doing alone?"

Man: *Chuckles then smiles* "I was married. But my wife passed away years ago.

(Y/n): "Oh..... Im sorry."

Man: "Don't be. Im not. She lived a good life and passed peacefully. I'll see her again one day. Until then, I carry her memory with me everyday."

(Y/n): "Any kids?"

Man: "I have a son. But he has his own life and problems he must deal with, same as me."

(Y/n): "Did he become a farmer, too?"

Man: "No. My son became a shinobi."

       I stopped abruptly when he said that.

Man: "Something wrong?"

(Y/n): "No, its nothing. I'm just not to fond of shinobi thats all. No offense to your son of coarse."

Man: "How come?"

(Y/n): "I guess I haven't had many pleasant experiences with them. Plus I don't like all the fighting they do."

Man: "They fight so that they can protect"

(Y/n): "Yes, I know but most of the time their fighting is for reasons that are meaningless. On top of that some of them become shinobi just to have power so that they can do whatever they want."

Man: "Not all shinobi are the same. Besides, if you constantly try and find the bad in them, how could you possibly find the good."

       This man is so kind and humble. And on top of that he is wise. Now I kind of feel bad for stealing from him. Wait, what? No. Look out for number one. Thats it. Before longe we had finished.

Man: "I'm truly grateful for all your help."

(Y/n): "Oh don't worry about it, it's no big deal. Have a good night."

       I started to walk off while waving behind me. But then from behind me he yelled,

Man: "Next time don't be afraid to ask."

(Y/n): "Wait, wha-.."

       I turned around to look at him but when I did, he was gone. I looked in my bag to find more vegetables then I had originally stolen. How did he do that? More importantly, why? He probably knew the whole time. But why didn't he stop me or at least say anything.

       Maybe there still is some good people left. But not nearly enough.

A/n: Til next time!

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