Chapter 19

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       Last night I went to bed early so that I might get rid of that strange feeling I had, but this morning it was worse. For a whole hour I felt nothing but paranoia and anxiety. Once it finally went away it was almost noon. If I don't get going now, I'll miss part of the match.

       I quickly got dressed and left my apartment. I was in a rush because I didn't want to miss the final match between Boruto, Sarada, and last but definitely not least, Shinki. He has been winning his matches with little to no effort.

       Sarada is very smart and with the help of her Sharingan may prove to be difficult for Shinki to handle.

       As for Boruto, he seems a little outmatched. But last time I underestimated these Genin, they shocked me three times in a row.

       Speaking of Boruto, his last few matches were strange. When he went up against the cloud Genin, he threw a shiriken that drastically changed direction in mid air. In his next match against Shikadai, he summoned a shadow clone without making a hand sign. Unless he moved his hands so fast that no one could see. Unlikely. Hanabi said it seemed strange as well so it cant just be my imagination. I'll be focusing mainly on him today.

       When I made it to the stands in the stadium, the 3 Genin were already standing in the arena. I look over to where I sat yesterday to see Hanabi sitting alone again. Here we go again. I walk over to her while she was facing away from me. Just as I was about to greet her, without facing me me...

Hanabi: "Its about time. Were have you been?"

(Y/n): *Exaggerated Gasp* "Your learningggggg!"

Hanabi: "Don't talk to me like Im a toddler!"

(Y/n): "Alright, Im still impressed though."

Hanabi: "Thank you. Now, were have you been?"

(Y/n): "Remember yesterday when I told you I had that weird feeling?" *Sits*

Hanabi: "Yeah, what about it?"

(Y/n): "It was bad this morning and I couldn't shake it. Thats what took me so long. I was trying to figure out what's going on with me."

Hanabi: "Anything come up?"

(Y/n): "No. It faded after awhile just like yesterday. But like I said, it was much stronger than yesterday."

Hanabi: "What do you plan on doing?"

(Y/n): "I don't know yet. For now, just be slightly on guard. At this point I don't think this is just my mind messing with me."

Hanabi: "That serious huh? Welp, Im always ready."

(Y/n): "Anyway have you seen my students?"

Hanabi: "They came up to me about 20 minutes ago asking about you. After I told them I didn't know, they told me that they were gonna go sit with the other Genin."

(Y/n): "Makes sense."

Lee: "And now, begin!"

Hanabi: "It started."

       As soon as Lee got out of the way, Shinki began firing his black sand at both Boruto and Sarada. They both started running around the arena dodging and deflecting the sand with kunai. He stopped firing while Boruto and Sarada stood next to each other facing Shinki.

(Y/n): "It looks like they decided to fight him together."

Hanabi: "Yeah. They're definitely gonna have to     work together to find a way around his defense."

       Boruto then summoned 4 shadow clones thats started surrounding Shinki. They then pulled out kunai with paper bombs attached to them. All the clones including Boruto threw the kunai while Sarada jumped up and spit a massive fire ball at the same time.

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