.:Our forbidden love:.(Ulquiorra love story)part3

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Chapter 3: I'm Captain Ichimaru

"Mai. You can't keep ignoring this paperwork. You have to do it at one point or another." Kira says.

"Look, I'm new at this okay." I say. "I still don't even remember then names to half the people on this squad, let alone remember to do this stupid paperwork."

"Well, I'm reminding you, so do it." He says annoyed.

"Fine, fine, I'll do it. Leave me in my peace." I say.

He nodded his head and stepped out the door, and I pulled the papers out and scanned over them. I sigh, pick up a pen and began to write on them. After about 2 hours later, I had finally finished them.

I stood up and went and opened my office door up. "Hey, Kira. Can you go hand these papers in?" I ask.

"Sure thing." He says. I handed him the paper and he took off with them. Man, getting used to this place is a lot more difficult than I expected it to be.

I ran my hand through my hair, and sat back down in my office. I looked out the window, to see nothing unusual going on.

"Man, I wish there was something to do around here. I'm use to being bored in Las Noches, but not here. Maybe I should go to my division's grounds and watch my students train so I know who is good at what."

I stood up, and walked to wear the training grounds for my division was at. After I found it, I sat down and watched my pupil's train, each one waving their swords roughly, crackling into each other. They would grunt and try again, just being rash and impulsive. These guys don't understand how to fight. For one, it's about observation. I want a person who is good at observing things.

Each student was working on something different. I'm guessing that they are working on the things they are most bad at.

I walked to one of the students, and grabbed his shoulder. He was one of the two, who was fighting rashly.

"Mind if I take over this?" I ask.

"Not at all Captain Ichimaru." He says. I sigh and shake my head. I bet they hate saying that as much as I hate hearing it. I stepped forward and say, "So is this the things you guys are weakest at?"

"Yeah, these are our weakest points." The other guy says.

"Have you ever thought about how you can do better?" I ask.

"Yeah, but it just doesn't help."

"What have you tried to do?" I ask.

"Well, I tried to raise my spiritual pressure and make that larger."

"Wrong." I say. "It doesn't matter how strong your reiatsu is. In fact, what matters is how well you can use the weapon you have on hand with you."

"What do you mean?"

"The first thing you guys should have been taught was observation. If you can't observe your opponent, then you can't expect to defeat them. That's you weakest point, otherwise you two can use your sword perfectly fine. Attack me." I say as I pull my sword out.

"I don't think it's such a good idea to attack the captain." He says.

"What's your name?" I ask.

"Kentaro Aoi."

"Kentaro, I give you permission to attack me." I say. He nodded his head, and came at me with his sword. I pulled mine quickly out of my sheath, and blocked off his attack. He went to swing again, but I grabbed his arm and twisted it behind his back.

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