.:Instructions on how to love:. (Ulquiorra love story)*part2*

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Chapter 2. This Place is Like It's Own World.

I was sitting in the room that I woke up to being in earlier. I had just saw my father. I don't quite understand why he is here. And furthermore how he is here. All I know is that he is here.

I got up and ran to the door. I pushed my ear against its wood, listening for any kind of sound. But none came. I began to get a bit irritated. 'Why isn't there any noises?' I think to myself.

I opened the door and looked down the hallway. Nothing there but the white walls themselves. I placed my foot out into the hall way. Nothing happened. I stepped my other foot in the hall way, causing myself to be standing alone in the white hallway.

I took another step, than another, making myself walk down this empty corridor. I came to the end of the hallway, which divided into two different halls, going either left or right. I looked down each path way to find nothing. I walked back down to where my room was, and continued on past it to see where this hallway leads to. When it finally came to an end, it split into three different halls. I looked down each of them to find nothing.

I groan and walked back to the room I woke up to being in. I opened the door up. Standing in my room, looking at the door to see who walked in, was a man of pale skin, black hair, and teal eyes. A loud scream escaped my lips. I ran back out my door, and down the hallway.

Truth is, I don't know who he is, or what he is. And all the more, I don't want to find out. I just let my legs lead me to where ever they wanted to go. My destination: To get away from that guy. I didn't hear any foot steps following behind me. I looked over my shoulder to see no one was there. I slowed my pace down. I had no idea where I was at.

I looked back forward, and just as I did, my face was scrunched up again someone. I took a step back, and looked up to find none other than the guy I was running from. I tried to turn and run the opposite way, but his hand seemed to have found my wrist, and was tightened. I tried to hold in my terror and screams.

"Where did you think you were going?" he asks in an impassive voice.

I stood there, just looking at him with panic in my eyes. I tried to pull away from him, but his grasp was to strong. "Let go." I say in a demanding tone. I lifted up my free hand, and swung at him. He easily side stepped it, still holding onto my wrist. "You're too weak to fight someone like me."

"I don't want to fight you; I want to get away from you." I say.

He let go of my wrist and says, "Follow me back to your room. You are to wait there, unless given different orders from Gin-sama."

"Why should I listen to him? He abandoned me and my sister 12 years ago. There's no way in hell I'd listen to him after that."

"That's not your choice."

"It damn well is my choice."

"If you don't do as told, I will force you to do it."

"Yeah right, I doubt you could." I say in a mocking tone.

The guy grabbed a hold onto my wrist again, and began to make us go back to my room. Once there, he threw me in the room. "If you leave again without permission, you will be punished."

"Isn't it punishment enough to be stuck around you?" I murmur to myself.

He closed the door behind him, leaving me alone in this white room all over again. I sat in silence praying for something to do. I can only be content with sitting around doing nothing for so long.

I stood up and touched the door handle. I grasped it lightly in my hand as I lay my ear against the door, straining to hear something. But nothing came. I opened the door again and looked down the hall way. Again no one was in sight. I shut my door lightly and exhaled. I walked over to my bed and sat on it. Millions of different questions were running through my mind. Like where am I? Who was that guy? Why is Gin here? How is he still alive? Why am I here?

I heard a knock on my door. The same scary guy from earlier walked in. He had on the same frown, as he did earlier. "You're to follow me. Gin-samas orders."

"Do I get to see him?" I ask.


I silently smiled to myself in relief. Finally and hopefully, I got some answers, rather than just sitting in a room, bored to death.

I followed this male through hall ways. There were many hallways. It was as if this place were a palace. We approached two double doors. They opened just as we were walking up to them. We stepped through and walked into a pitch black room, the only light coming from the hallway we just left. When the doors closed, a light above us lit up. Standing across the room from us was Gin.

"Well done, Ulquiorra." He says. "You may wait outside the door for us if you like." The other guy just turned and seemed to disappear from out of sight. I looked back to Gin. "How?" I ask.

"How what?" He asks back with his foxy grin spread a crossed his face.

"How is it you are still alive?"

A small chuckle left his mouth. "Ah, you were always the wise one. Even you should have been able to figure this much out Kagami. I'm not alive. I'm a soul reaper."

"Wh.....what did you just say?" I ask in total shock.

"That's right; I'm a soul reaper, a shinigami, a death god. There are many names for what I am. You and your sister were more of a test that I successfully did. You see Lord Aizen wanted to see if a shinigami's gigai could make a child. In which mine did. And out of that, the best creation happened of all. You were created."

"Me?" I ask stunned.

"Yes Kagami, you."

"Wait..... You're calling me Kagami. Why?"

"Well from as far as I can remember, that's what your mother named you."

"No. You got it all wrong. Kagami is dead. I'm Mai." I say shaking my head, confused look spread umong my face.

"Kagami.... Is dead?" He says as if fretting over it. The words barely came out of his mouth. "My. Kagami. Is. Dead?"

"Ya. You would have known is you were still with us." I say coldly.

"You're Mai?" he asks in a confused manner.

"That's what I said." I say in a sarcastic tone."

"Ulquiorra, take her back to her room, will you?"

"Yes, sir." he says. 'Wait, when did he get back into this room?' I consicously ask myself. 'Note to self: this guy can move fast and quietly.'

He put his back toward us, and began to walk away. I sighed. It was already time to go through the white mazes here. "Wait." I say before he walks. "Gin, where exactly am I?"

His fox smile returned as he says, "Welcome to Heuco Mundo. You are in the palace of Las Noches."

"Las Noches." I say repeating the word. I began to walk. Ulquiorra must have got my hint, for he too began to walk. I followed silently behind him on my walk back to my room. Once there, he opened the door for me.

"I will go and get some food for you."

"Okay." I say. "Hey, out of curiosity, who are you?"

"I am Ulquiorra Schiffer. Espada number 4."

"Thanks. I'm Mai Ichimaru, 3rd year in archery class." He nodded his head, as if he understood. Whether he did or not was no concern of mine, for I did not understand what an espada is. Something that scared me a bit, was that I had a feeling that I would be staying here long enough to figure out what it is.

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