.:King of Hueco Mundo:. (Ulquiorra love story)End

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Chapter 25: The Note

I opened the note up, wondering what it could have possibly said.

Dear Ulquiorra,

If you are reading this then that must mean, I am out in battle in Heuco Mundo. Some girl named Dai wanted to fight either me or you. I chose me to keep you safe. I wasn't supposed to tell anyone, so just writing this letter could get me into a lot of trouble. She has people in these walls of Las Noches whom are working for her.

Anyways, I am out in Heuco Mundo fighting. I don't know how to explain where I am at. I have no idea how strong this girl is, but I figure she must be strong if she wanted to fight you.

If I die, I'm sorry. If I survive, you can punish me in any way. I love you, and I don't want you to ever forget that. If I end up dying, I want you to remember what we had.Don't mourn over me though, I'm not worth it. I want you to continue to have feelings. Don't push them away. You will be a great king, and I wish I could have stayed there to stand by your side and watch you become stronger.

You are the best thing that has ever happen to me. Everything I write doesn't even compare up to the things I think and feel. You are my everything. I need you, want you, and love you. I'm nothing without you or your love. I'm sorry if I ever hurt you. I'm sorry for cheating on you. And I'm sorry for all the mistakes I have ever made, and if I survive, for all the mistakes I will make in the future.

I wish I knew how this fight would turn out, but I don't, so think the worst possible outcome. I promise though, I won't let Dai survive, or bring any physical pain to you.

You are my Ulquiorra, my guy, my love. If I can't say those, then I don't want to say anything. Nothing else is worth even saying.

I have to go now, because I'm about to meet up with you to sleep, then going to go spend the next day with you. I want to spend the day with you incase I don't make it and I want you to remember me for who I really am.

Love forever and a day, Mai

To: King of Heuco Mundo.

I closed the letter. Something strange was happening to me. I felt strange... I felt something wet on my cheeks, and I felt my heart pounding hard.

"Lord Ulquiorra?" One of the arrancar girls ask.

"Watch over Las Noches. I need to go visit Heuco Mundo." I say.

I sonido to Heuco Mundo and feel for her presence, her spiritual pressure, anything. I need to find her. She needs me. She can't fight... not all on her own. She is too frail. Okay, she is strong, but I will never forgive myself if I am late.

I wiped the tears away from my face, and search all over for her. Just as I was about to give up hope, I saw purple on the ground. I followed the purple color sand, to a spot where large holes were at in the ground. Then I found blood all smeared all over the sand. I searched for a body, anywhere.

I gasped when I saw something that I didn't want to see. I saw Mai's body. But strangely enough she seemed in peace, even though her arms and legs were burnt, her clothing was ripped apart, and she clung to her sword.

Her eyes were open, but caved in. Her lips moved, and I was barely able to catch the words that came out. "Ulquiorra, I love you and I'm sorry."

I shuttered at how raspy her voice was. I watched, and nearly screamed when I saw her body turn to dust. I held my scream in. I knew it was a matter of time before I went insane, just how long would ittake before it happened?

I held onto the note she gave me. This was the only thing I had from her, that proved she existed at one point. It was the only thing she left behind for me.

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