.:Instructions on how to love:. (Ulquiorra love story)*part13*

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this is totally out of character for Ulquiorra, so i am sorry to those loving fans of his. :)

Chapter 13: A Surprise to Remember


Tip 19. Don't try to be someone else, cause than the person will never love you for the right reasons.


Tip 20: Not both the people have to love each other in order for you to be in love.


Tip 21: Always be cautious, cause you can end up getting your heart broken.


I stormed out of his room. Tears began to blur my sight. I couldn't see at all. "Stupid tears. Stupid, stupid, stupid." I went on chanting the whole way back to my room. I threw my door open than slammed it shut. "Doesn't know what a heart is. HOW DO YOU NOT KNOW THAT!!!! IT'S A COMMON SENSE THING!!!"


I threw myself on my bed, stuffing my face in my pillow. Tears kept coming. After 20 minutes later, I sat up and wiped away the tears. Wow I really over reacted. What do I do? Sighing I decided I'd go see Grimmjow. I made my way to the cafeteria. In there was a guy with black hair. His sleeves were to long for his arms. Right above his hips, it showed his skin.


I looked down at my sleeve and noticed it was still ripped. I should probably get a new shirt. I looked back up to see the guy looking at me. First thing I noticed was that he had a red tattoo and his forehead. Than he had a really small bone on his left side of the forehead.


"Well hello." He says to me.


"Uhm, hi." I say.


"You're that girl, who is friends with Grimmjow right? The one who killed the 9th espada."




"If I'm assuming correct, you're Mai."


"You have good assumptions." I say half-heartedly.


A smile crossed his face, and he brought his arm up to his face. "I'm Luppi, espada number 6."


I laughed loudly and began to wipe at my eyes. When I calmed down I looked at his face to see him having a questioning look to it. "I'm sorry. That was rude of me. But for a moment there, I thought you said you were espada number 6."


"I did say that." He replies with a frown placed upon his face.


"No you're not." I say. "Grimmjow is."


"Grimmjow had that rank taken away from him."


"What?!" I yelled. "HOW?!!!"


"He went to the human world with out permission. So when he got back Tousen cut off his arm, and destroyed it."


"No way." I muttered to myself.


"You need proof?" He asks, than pushed the hole in his shirt, farther down onto his hip, revealing a 6 there.

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