.:Instructions on how to love:. (Ulquiorra love story)*part9*

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Chapter 9: The Battle


"Who are you?" I ask.


"Who the hell are you?!" Yammy asked.


I sighed and say, "Are you kidding me." I glance over at Ulquiorra and see his eyes are focused on the people. He glanced at me. Than back at the people.


Tip 13: Never show off for the person you love. They should be impressed with everything you do anyways.


Ulquiorras POV


There is a brown haired guy, age of about 15. He is tall, and built. His right arm, has something on it. Its black, with red, and white lines going along it. Behind him was an orange haired girl.


"Orihime, take her and leave. She isn't dead, so you can heal her." The guy said.


"Okay, Chad. But ne careful, please." She says and gets up and tried to carry the hurt girl away.


"Hey Ulquiorra, is he it?!" He asks.


Sighing I say, "Yammy, If you trained on your observation and reasoning skills, you would know that he too, is trash."


Yammy attacked the guy named Chad. Than from somewhere behind him, there was the Orihime girl screaming Chad's name.


"Is she trash too, Ulquiorra?" Yammy asked.


I glanced at Mai, to see an annoyed, and bored look on her face. I reached out and bumped her arm with mine. She looked at me and I tried to give her a look of sympathy.


Mai's POV


I felt something bump my arm. I look down to see Ulquiorra's arm next to my own. I look up at him, and too my disbelief he was giving me a look of sympathy. Or was it just me?


"Yes." Ulquiorra says. "She too is trash." He closed his eyes, in what seemed to be in irritation.


I smiled to myself. Well would you look at that. It's as if the human world has an effect on him, making him show emotion.


Yammy brought his finger down, and yelled something I didn't quite catch. When he almost hit the girl, who was sitting in front of Chad, there was a loud crash, then I saw a yellow triangle in front of her. It cracked up, and fell to pieces, disappearing.


She stood up with a determined look on her face.


"What's the deal with her?" Yammy asks to himself.


Than Orihime mumbled to herself, "Souten Kishun." All of a sudden something bright spread acrossed the Chad guys arm, and began to heal him.


"She can heal?" I ask.


"She can heal?" Yammy asks. I sighed at disbelief in this guy. "If you think about it this guy is pretty durable considering he is still alive."

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