.:Our forbidden love:.(Ulquiorra love story)part11

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Chapter 11: Las Noches

I stepped through the portal, black passing through. The human world began to fade away from me, and I began to focus on my spiritual pressure so I could pass through and get to Heuco Mundo.

I knew that once I got there, I might have to fight some hollows or arrancars since I am a soul reaper. But I needed to get to Ulquiorra and talk to him. Not about how I miss him, love him, but how I need to speak to him about this 'war' Captain Yamamoto is now proclaiming on Heuco Mundo.

I didn't want there to be a war. I wanted to save people from dying. But what will I do if Ulquiorra won't listen to me? What if he wants this war to begin? What will I do than?

I felt the whole opening and I fell out of the sky, and landed on soft, grey sand. I stood up and wiped myself off. I looked around to see how far away from the palace I was. Luckily, for once, it was right in front of me. I sighed and smiled to myself for my great luck I managed to run into.

Now I just need to go find Ulquiorra. I will assume that he is either in the throne room, the meeting room, or his bedroom. Maybe even the room with the computers and cameras.

I grabbed my sword out and slashed a large whole into the wall, and stepped through into Las Noches. I put my sword back into my sheathe and began to run down the hallways, trying to find an area that is familiar to me.

I continued to run until I saw the most familiar room to me yet. The cafeteria. I stepped in there and looked around. All eyes fell on me, and swords were drawn. Aw shit, I'm so dead.

"What is a soul reaper doing here?" One of them hissed angrily.

"Uh, it's not what it looks like." I say frantically.

"Woah guys, calm down. She is an old espada." A familiar voice says.

"Luppi." I say, thankfully.

"Hey Mai." He says, stepping behind everyone and stepping in front of me. "It's been a while since you have been here."

"Ya, tell me about it. Surprising I haven't got lost yet."

"What are you doing here anyways?" Luppi asks, while the others stood there and listened curiously.

"I need to speak with Ulquiorra. It's an emergency." I say.

"What's going on?" An unemotional voice says from behind me.

"Ulquiorra." I say, eyes wide, and spinning around to face him. His eyes were hard as he looked at me.

"What's the emergency?" He asks.

"I would prefer to speak to you in private about it first." I say about nervously.

"Follow me." He says.

I began to follow behind him as he walked. Once we reached his bedroom, he opened the door, and stood at the doorway, waiting for me to step in, which I did. He followed in behind me and shut the door.

"What are you doing here? You could have been killed out there." He says, finally showing some emotion.

"Did you not just hear me say it's an emergency?"

"Yes I did." He says coolly.

"Seireitei is claiming war here in Heuco Mundo against you arrancars." I say.

His eyes remained the same way and he asks, "That is it?"

"What do you mean, that is it? This is a big deal." I say, getting a bit angry.

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