.:King of Hueco Mundo:. (Ulquiorra love story)part12

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Chapter 12: Talk With Luppi

Me and Ulquiorra remained cuddling, even though we should have probably gotten up and taken a shower after what happened last night. But I refused to move, and figured it was the same for him. I felt so complete, so loved, so happy. The smile wouldn’t slip off of my face. Like always, Ulquiorra had his black frown on his beautiful, loving, warm lips.

My hand remained on his stomach, and I felt his (if I may say) amazingly built abs. My fingers traced along his skin even though I knew my face was red. I couldn’t help it though. I didn’t want to break contact with him. I loved the feeling of his skin against my own.

His forehead was against mine, and he lay there playing with my hair. His fingers moved gently and cautiously threw my hair. I let my legs be twisted through his, and with our free hands, and lay there holding onto each others hand.

I kept my eyes on his face while he stared down back at me. A large grin remained over my face, while I was thoughtless. Nothing ran through my mind. The only thing I seemed to be able to focus on was him laying there before me.

“We should shower, and then eat.” He says unemotionally.

My grin began to fade and I nodded my head. I knew he knew that I didn’t want to move, so instead he stood up, picked me up, and managed to find a way to wrap the same blanket around us. I giggled at how smart he could be. You always find ways to amaze me…. My dear love.

I wonder what I would do If you ever forgot about me…. I just wonder…

He carried me to the bathroom. Once there, he turned the shower on, and pulled me in there with him. My face was beat red, but I didn’t care, as long as I was here with him. For some unknown reason, I remained quiet. Probably because I was happy and content.

His arms wrapped around my waste as he pulled me close to him, and I could jus imagine what his lips tasted like. I hungered for the taste. I wanted his taste. I stood on my tip toes and kissed him, lingering on to the taste of him. I felt my stomach swirl as if caught in a storm.

When I pulled away, I saw his barely shown, but most amazing somewhat smile. His lip curved upper ward and his hand ran over my wet hair. His lips soon were hovering over my fore head and he kissed it lightly.

“You are really loving now.” He mutters into my hair.

“Yes.” I say. “I’m sorry. I just… I don’t know how to explain it.” I say while blushing.

“Would you turn around?” He asks. I nodded my head and did as he asks and turned around. 20 minutes later we were finished with our shower. He stepped out first in order to dry off his body. Than he pulled me out after him, wrapping the towel around me as well.

Once we got back to my room, we dressed quickly. Then we went to the cafeteria to grab some grub. I noticed Luppi sitting down with his friends, eating. When he noticed me with Ulquiorra, he glared and I could see the jealousy in his eyes.


“What is it?” He asks.

“I need to talk to Luppi later.” I say.

“No.” He says.

“I have to.” I say.

“No, there’s no point in arguing with me about it.”

“I’m going to find a way to talk to him anyway.” I say a bit angrily.

“Why is it so important that you talk to him?” He asks.

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