.:King of Hueco Mundo:. (Ulquiorra love story)part14

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Ulquiorra's POV

I passed through Las Noches and was now in Heuco Mundo. This was going to be a battle to the death. If I don't survive, then I don't. If I do.. than I guess I will be King of Heuco Mundo.....

Mai's POV

I walked through the hallway. I had to go see Luppi. I was stuck with boredom and had nothing better to do. I knocked softly on his door, and it opened. Luppi stood in the doorway with his cocky grin on his place. "Well hello." He says.

"Hi." I say while blushing and looking down.

"Aw, your too cute when you blush." He says while grabbing onto my arm and pulling in. "What's up?" he asks while pushing me to his couch.

"Uhm, nothing." I say.

"Why are you so shy?" he asks and grabs my face and forces me to look at him.

"I wonder." I say while looking irritably at him.

"Oh what a beautiful look." He says jokingly.

I growled under my breath and he laughed at me, and threw his arms around me pulling me into a hug. My stomach flipped and my face flushed red. When he pilled away, he saw my face, and seemed to have looked satisfied.

"Hm.. I'm sure I know how to make that face glow red." He says, putting a hand in my lap.

"You try anything, and I'll kick your ass." I say.

"Admit it," He says. "You aren't completely satisfied with me and want more." He says while snickering.

My face got hotter, and I glared at him and stood up. "I'm leaving." I say angrily.

"Wait." He says, stands up, and puts his arms around me and nibbled onto my ear. My face was probably tomato red, and I stood there unable to move.

"Just as I thought." He whispers. Then he left a kiss on my neck, put in mind he is standing behind me.

"Luppi..." I try to say but I sounded more like I was out of breath.

He chuckled into my ear and turned me around to face him. He pushed me to a wall and leaned against me and says, "Admit it, you like me."

I looked down at the ground, but didn't deny it. Yes. I like you, but I love Ulquiorra.... I want my guy back...

"Oh that's right." He says than kisses me on the lips. He tongue mades it way into my mouth without any effort, and we had a make out session for a few minutes. Then he pulled back and says, "There's going to be a fight for position of King of Heuco Mundo."

"What?!" I yell "Who and who?"

"Hmm, well Grimmjow of course, and Ulquiorra."

Tears gathered in my eyes and fell too quickly. "What?" I mutter barely able to breath. I can't breath... why can't I breathe?... Anxiety attack?

"Mai....!" Luppi yells, shaking me.

Tip 5: Love doesn't mean perfection.

I took an intake of breath and began to heave. "Ulquiorra!" I scream.

"No arrancar is to interfere with this fight." Luppi states.

"What?!" I yell. Tears blurred my eyesight, but I pushed them away and ignored them. He can't die... He can't! I love that boy..... that man! Damn it all to hell.

"When does it begin?" I ask angrily.

"It should have already started." He says.

"Why don't I feel any spiritual pressure?" I ask.

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