.:Instructions on how to love:. (Ulquiorra love story)*part17*

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Chapter 17: His Girl

Do you want to know what hurt the most? No, not having someone killed before me. No, not having his blood smeared across my body. No, not that fact that I actually would have considered Luppi a friend, and than he just died. What hurt me the most was that Ulquiorra wasn't there for me when I needed him. No instead he was with that girl Orihime, taking to her room.

Do you want to know what hurt more than the fact that Ulquiorra never brought me back to my room? Well I'm going to tell you whether you care to know or not. The fact that he never came to check up on me later, after he took Orihime back to her room.

Tip 27: If it hurts you that the person you love isn't with you. Just think of how much harder it is on them for deciding to stay away from you at that time.

I sat there silently on my bed, still shaking. Blood covered my body. Gin was trying to clean me off, but I just kept pushing him away from me, shaking my head, refusing to let anyone touch me other than Ulquiorra. The tears wouldn't stop falling down my face.

"Mai, what's going on with you? Why won't you let me clean you off?"

"I repudiate to let anyone lay a finger on me." I say with a shaking voice.

"Just let me clean off the blood."

"DON'T TOUCH ME!" I scream.

We sat there arguing about it for 10 minutes about how I refused to let him clean me off.

"Look father, I understand you want to help, but when I did need you, you weren't there for me, so I most definitely don't need you now."

With a sigh of defeat, Gin stood up, and left me to be alone in my room. The moment I knew I was left alone, a balled my fists up, and broke down into a huge fit of sobs. The longer I cried, the harder I found it to breathe. I began to cough roughly, and after 45 minutes of sobbing, I began to weep silently to myself.

After what felt like forever, I cried myself to sleep. The next day came quickly enough. I heard a light knock on my door. I rolled over onto my stomach and pressed my face into my pillow and yelled, "Go away!"

"Tough!" I heard a voice say throwing my door open. "WHAT THE HELL MAI?! WHY ARE YOU STILL COVERED IN BLOOD???!!!!"

My body once again began to shake violently as I felt tears poor out of my eyes. The last person I wanted to see was Grimmjow. "Just leave." I whispered as loud as I could.

"Don't tell me what to do girl." He says.

"Fine. I won't." I say than go silently.

"Where's Ulquiorra?"


"Mai, where is he?"


"Don't ignore me damn it." He orders me. "Say something." I sit up in my bed and look at him. He saw gasped. I must have looked horrible if he gasped by just looking at me. A light knock appeared on my door. "Tell him to go away." I say.

"GO AWAY!" Grimmjow yelled.

The door opened and I saw Ulquiorra stepping in. I turned back over and threw my face into the pillows. "Why can't both of you just go away."

"You don't want me here?" He said with a monotone voice.

I sighed. "Grimmjow, would you mind?"

"Oh, now your polite." He says angrily, but luckily left my room.

I felt a shift on the side of me on my bed. I felt a hand in my hair. "Mai..." He began

"Don't!" I say.

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