.:King of Hueco Mundo:. (Ulquiorra love story)part17

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Chapter 17: Training Under His Care

Swish. I sliced my sword in the air at Ulquiorra. My head was pounding with pain. He held his sword up, and blocked it off. This was the harshest training I have ever been put through. Sweat dripped off of my face, and onto the sand like features below me. My hair was flying all over, and into my face.

I was breathing hard. Light began to glow between his fingers. Cero. He shot it off to soon for me to counteract so instead I just brought my hands up and grabbed it. So must reiatsu in it. How is this even possible?

We have been out here training for 2 hours now. I was tired, thirsty, and just out of breath. I called out to my power from my sword. "Heki aisu." I whisper to it sending out spike crystals.

He flung his sword in front of him, and they shattered. "Ranpu bakuha." I yell. Then I swung my sword at him. A dark purple shot out at him. It seemed to be a light of some sort.

He then let out a cero, counteracting me attack. "That's new." He says expressionless.

"Yeah." I mutter while shooting out a cero. I knew he would block it off, so I sonidoed behind him and sliced at him just as the cero was in his grasp. He stopped my cero, but my sword was against the skin on his neck.

"Very good." He says. "You have improved. But, if this were a real fight with an enemy, don't hesitate to make the final blow, and kill the person."

I nodded my head and got ready to sit when he says, "Don't collapse just yet."

"Why?" I ask. "I beat you so we are done."

"I want to see what you will come up with when at your limit." He says.

"Is this a joke?" I ask irritated.

"Do I ever joke?"

"Of course not." I say while rolling my eyes.

I turned around to get my hair out of my face when I heard movement. I glanced toward Ulquiorra, than quickly went to block of the attack. "Dang it." I stutter between clenched teeth. He can't really expect me to fight when I'm this tired does he?

Are swords clashed together leaving a 'clink' noise in the air. My body was shaking behind my sword, as I tried to hold him off. His sword, slowly though, began to creep closer toward me. I need to come up with a plan. But what? His eyes stayed steady on my face, and I narrowed mine. Look for the weak spot. I searched over him. Okay, he doesn't have one. So do something he won't expect. While he was focusing on my face, I reached out and grabbed onto Ulquiorra's sword, even though it cut me.

He looked at me, as if wondering what I had in mind, but then I began to make a cero in my hand. The purple color began to get darker and darker. He too, began to make a teal cero on his finger tip while pointing it at me as I say, "Ranpu bakuha." Light shot out from my finger, and my sword.

Smoke flew up into the air, making me loose all sight around me. I heard rustling sounds, then I felt my spiritual pressure begin to drop. I'm at my limit. I have small amount of power left. Guess that leads to one thing now... Sword fight and that's it. Either that or finish him off with one blow... but that won't work on him. He is too smart.

The smoke began to clear up, and I saw him nowhere in sight. Shit... where'd he go? Remain calm. Keep your eyes open. Focus on his spiritual pressure. The second I got a hold of it, he was attacking again, but from behind. This is different... He swung down much harder.

I brought my sword up. Once it made contact, I felt myself being flung back. "So strong." I say.

He nodded his head in approval then says, "We can be done now."

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