.:King of Hueco Mundo:. (Ulquiorra love story)part9

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Chapter 9: My Love For You Grows Stronger Everyday.

I quickly began running towards Ulquiorra's room. I remember! I remember everything from 2 years ago. Once inside the building I use sonido to get to his room quicker. I am so in love with you! I remember Ulquiorra! I REMEMBER!

Once at his door I quickly threw it open. In there I saw Kagami sitting over Ulquiorra. He seemed to have looked like he was sleeping, but instead his eyes were open. Kagami quickly turned and looked at me, "Oh, hey Mai." She says.

"I thought you were going to sleep." I say.

"I am, I'm trying to get him out of the bed." She says.

"Oh, can I talk to him for a minute." I ask.

She sighed, stood up and walked out of the room. "The room is all yours. And if you can, try to get him out of the bed."

"Doubt that will work." I say.

Once she closed the door, Ulquiorra sat up and says, "What do you need?"

I blushed, looked down and say, "I don't need anything."

"So what are you doing here?" He asks. "I was ordered not to talk to you anymore."

"So was I." I say.

"So why go against orders?" he asks.

"I'm a rebel." I say jokingly.

"You and I both know that's not true." He says.

"Ulquiorra, I remember." I say while looking up at him. His eyes had pure shock in them, and then his face went to somewhat happy.

"You remember?" He asks.

"Everything." I say while grinning.

"That's unbelievable." He says while standing up and walking toward me. He touched my face and looked down at me and says, "Prove it."

I smiled then thought about what I should say. Finally I say, "I will thank you. You showed me love. If I were to be in love, I think it would be now, and with you. I'm thankful that I met you. You will always remain my girl."

He looked at me with shock displayed on his face. "You remember me saying that?"

"Obviously otherwise I wouldn't have said it." I say.

I saw his eyes change from pain to utter joy. He wrapped his arms around me and put his head to my forehead. "I'm relieved." He says.

"What do we do about it now?" I ask.

"Tell Lord Grimmjow." He says.

"Do we have to?" I ask.

"Yes." He says.

I look up at him and say, "I don't know if I can. He kind of scares me."

"Are you forgetting that I was stronger than him while Aizen was here? Grimmjow is unaware of my 3rd stage. I am still stronger than him." I smiled but then a loud banging came at the door and it flew open and Kagami yells, "What the hell are you too doing?"

I laughed lightly and say, "Don't worry sis, I'm fine."

"You listen here bud." She says, pointing a finger at Ulquiorra, "if you hurt my little sister, you will have to go through me." She says while snarling at him.

He nodded his head to her and looked back at me with his arms leaving my side, but one of his hands grabbing my own. "I'm glad you remember." He says while smiling slightly. I felt myself go weak and I fell against him. He chuckled slightly which made my heart race so fast. "Forgot how googly eyed you go over my smile." He says.

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