.:King of Hueco Mundo:. (Ulquiorra love story)part19

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Chapter 19: Dreams Can Be Deceiving

I lie on my stomach on the floor, arms pinned to my side, enjoy the nice back massage I was receiving. "Mmmm...." Was about the only thing I could really say.

"Relaxed?" Ulquiorra whispers in my ear.

"Mmmmmhmmmmm." I reply.

"Do you want me to quit sitting on you?" He asks.

"No, you are fine." I say quietly.

"Do I get a back massage next?" he asks.

"Sure." I say.

"Can't wait." He says into my hair while kissing my ear.

"I'm so restless." I say.

"That's why you can go to sleep once I receive my back massage." He says.

"Oh goody." I say while yawning. "Well you might want to switch right now, or else I will fall asleep."

"I'll wake you up to get it." He says. I laughed at this. He is to perfect.

"Switch me." I demanded.

I felt him stand up off of me, and lay on the floor. I pushed myself up and sat on his back, rubbing my fingers into his back. "This would be a lot easier if you... uh...."

I didn't need to finish the sentence. He immediately slipped his jacket off. I have never really got to see his back before without a shirt on, so I stared for a moment. His back was so.... Built, but it still made him look young. I was immediately jealous at how perfect it was, and how skinny he was.

"Something wrong?" He asks.

"No, nothing." I say, and quickly started rubbing his back again.

After an hour of my knuckles in his back, he began to doze off. I smiled at how perfect he was, and how perfect he acted and looked. Why is he so perfect? Why am I even with him? I don't deserve someone as amazing as him. So of all people, why did he choose me?

I felt Ulquiorra's hands begin to slide against my legs. Somehow he managed to roll over, and have me sitting on his stomach. He looked up at me, as he rubbed my legs softly, and just stared.

I felt my face blush, but I stared back down at him. "Can I help you?" I ask.

"Yes." He says while smiling, which of course sent my stomach spinning, and I had to lay on him in order to catch my breathe.

"How'd you know?" he asks as he presses his lips on mine.

My breathe escaped rather quickly, but I didn't move. I loved the warmth of his lips against my very own. When I did pull back to breathe, I muttered under my breathe his name, and he just pulled me back down for another kiss.

My mind completely shut down on me, and I couldn't focus on anything other than the kiss. Ulquiorra, I love you so much... I want to have a child with you. I'm prepared. I want us to have a family. Is that possible? Those seemed to have been the words flowing through my mind, but they will never be spoken. Not in a million years. We haven't been dating long enough, or have we? Did he consider us a thing when I was unconscious?

"Mai, are you okay?" He asks while sitting up, and me sliding into his lap, with my legs wrapped around him.

"I'm fine." I say while looking at him straight on. "Just thinking."

"You seem to do that a lot."

"Most people do." I reply.

"I see." He says.

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