.:Instructions on how to love:. (Ulquiorra love story)*part12*

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Chapter 12: The Meeting.


I was standing in the thrown room. There was a large group of people here. I was sitting next to Grimmjow. I had done enough standing that day.


Aizen was sitting up on some chair. "So this is the thrown room, because only Aizen can sit in a chair in here?" I ask.


"Yeah, that's pretty much it." Grimmjow says.


"Well that's tacky." I taste.


I saw Aizen walk in, and sit down in his 'thrown'.


"Ulquiorra, why don't you go ahead and show your brethrens and sisters what you experienced while in the human world."


"How the hell is he suppose to do that?" I ask.


"Just watch." Grimmjow mutters to me.


"Yes. As you wish." Ulquiorra says pulling his eyes out. I managed to hold in the scream I wanted to yell. I crushed his eye in between his fingers. "Please, do look carefully."


I felt the air stir in the room, and looked around to see everyone's eyes closed. I too shut mine, and saw what everyone else was. I felt and saw what Ulquiorra did. It's strange, he saw everything way different from the way I did.


"I see." Aizen says breaking the silence. I opened my eyes and looked up at him. "So that's why you didn't kill him."


"Yes sir." Ulquiorra says. "As you ordered us, to only kill him if he were to seem like an interference to us. Also..." He began before getting cut off by Grimmjow next to me yelling, "That's weak!" I elbowed him in the gut and said, "What the hell Grimmjow?"


He ignored me and continued to say, "If it were me, I would have killed them all in one attack." AGH!!!! What a stubborn guy. Thinking he's a hot shot and all strong.


"Grimmjow." Ulquiorra says turning his head, to look and see me sitting next to him. I glared over at Grimmjow.


"If your orders have 'kill him' in it, than I'm sure it's damn best if you were to kill the person, am I right?


"I agree." A guy says standing up. "He's an enemy of ours, whether he is strong or not.


"Yammy." Grimmjow says, "Look at you. You were beat up pretty badly. You say there's no value in him, but the way I see it, was that you were to weak to kill him."


"Grimmjow, did you not just watch up. I was beat up by the chick, and the guy in the hat. Not by the kid." Yammy says calmly. I was happy with his calm response. For once he didn't let his anger get to him.


"Do you really not get it?" Grimmjow asks. "I just said, I would have killed them all in one attack." He says emphasizing the one.


"What did you say." Yammy says getting pissed. Well there goes his cool. Ulquiorra's arm came up in front of Yammy and he says, "Enough. Grimmjow, do you even realize that the kid is not our problem? Aizen was observing on how fast the kids growth rate was, not on how strong he was at the current state. Yes, his potential strength is quite high. But it's unreasoningly unstable. The way I see it, is he will either destroy himself, or he will become one of our pawns. That's we I didn't kill him, and returned."

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