.:King of Hueco Mundo:. (Ulquiorra love story)part24

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Chapter 24: The Fight Is On

I was panting, blood falling from my body onto the ground, staining the sand. I had stab marks all in my body, but luckily I can heal myself once this fight was over, if I won. But this was much more difficult than I expected it to be. It has felt like forever since we started, but it has probably only been an hour or two.

"What's wrong? Can't you fight anymore? Or are you already at your limit?"

"I'm not at my limit," I say while panting. I pushed myself up off the ground, patting the flames on my body out. I pulled my over shirt off, leaving me in my long sleeved shirt.

"Is that such a good idea?" She asks.

"Shut up!" I yell. Mai, keep your cool. Keep a clear mind. Find the opening. You can still win this battle. I looked up at her, and saw she was barely scratched.

"Heki aisu!" I yell as I fling my sword at her. It ran along the ground and froze her to the ground, as spiked crystals fell from the sky, and flew down at her, cutting her as she tried to get out of the way, but she couldn't move.

She yelled something and went to fling a flame at the crystals, but it was already too late for her. I formed a cero on me and shot it at her. It flew through her now extinguishing flames, and hit her straight on.

"Ranpu bakuha." I say as I though that beam of light with another cero following her.

The air lifted up, and I felt a burning sensation in my body. I fell to the ground, my screams filling the air. It's just an illusion Mai, get a handle on it or it won't stop.

I pushed myself up from the ground, and saw Dai, standing over me, blood dripping down from her body. She threw her sword down at me. I brought my sword up, and blocked her attack, but instead she kicked me in the stomach making me bend over holding onto my sword. I kept my arm up though holding onto my sword.

I felt the pressure on my arm disappear and I lifted my finger from the sword, and shot off a powerful cero. Smoke filled the air, and I felt a piercing in my back. I held this scream in, and grabbed her foot with my free hand. I slashed my sword at her, cutting her stomach, and then I stabbed it into her stomach.

I felt a warm liquid on my face. I swiped my hand acrossed my face, and looked at the blood on my hand.

"Damn it." I say, through a pant.

She is so much stronger than I expected her to be. I have the advantage right now.

"Don't think that this is done." She says between coughs. I stood up and say, "But it is over." I kicked her over, and then swung my sword, cutting her right arm off, and she was no longer holding her sword anymore.

"It's over now." She says smirking.

"That's what I just sai...." I say before hearing a sizzling sound.

"My ultimate attack." She says as flames filled the air. I felt myself being burnt. My eyes were closed with my arm protecting my face. I used my last bit of spiritual pressure to make a shield around me with a cero. It backfired on me though, and instead it made an explosion too.

I fell to the ground, no longer able to hear anymore. I felt a shadow over me. I looked up to see an outstretched arm coming down at me, stabbing me in the chest with a zanpakuto.

"Told you I would win." She says, but I didn't hear her. I just stared blankly at her, wondering what she just mouthed.

I can't lose. I can die, but I can't lose. I just can't. I brought my hand up, even though I was at my limit and let off a cero. It hit her straight on and square in the face. When the smoke cleared up, I saw her body on the ground, with no head. I had completely blown it off. She was no longer with us.

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