.:Instructions on how to love:. (Ulquiorra love story)*part16*

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Chapter 16: Blood Smeared Across My Body

I made my way back to my room, hurrying along because I had a towel wrapped around me but that's it. Once i got to my door, I quickly opened it, than slammed it shut. Turning around laying on my bed, was a new wardrobe. I walked over to it, and picked it up looking at it. I quickly slid it on to see what it would look like on me.

Of course it was white, seeming that's the theme color here in Heuco Mundo

This time it was caprice. The clung to my skin tightly. Next was a thin, tight, long sleeved shirt. The shirt had a collar on it. Over top of it, was another white shirt. It was slightly looser than the long sleeve shirt, but still tight. On the right shoulder, the sleeve was large, and barely hung on the shoulder. The left side, the sleeve was as just a thick strap. This over shirt cut down into a V showing the shirt underneath.

I hear a light knock on the door. I made my way to it, and opened it. Standing in my door way was Ulquiorra. "Well?" He asks.

"What?" I ask. He looks acrossed my body than back at my face. "Oh, you mean the outfit. Well I like the caprice... but the shirt.... Not so much. I say looking down blushing."

"Follow me." He orders. I sag behind him, till we reached a familiar room to me. Stepping in, I saw clothes all over the place. I made my way through the racks of clothes. I reached out, and touched them while walking by. I found the perfect shirts after awhile. The undershirt (of course white) was spaghetti strapped and just where it hides the cleavage at, it's laced. I grabbed a shirt to go over it. It was just a normal short sleeved V cut shirt.

"Okay." I say.

"Go try it on." He ordered me.

I walked to the back of the room, and slipped the shirts off, and these ones on. When I finally put the sash on, it was on sideways. (right side is over hip while left is under hip). The sash clutched tightly to my body, my not to tight.

I walked over to where Ulquiorra was standing and posed for him, "Well?" I say jokingly. He just stared at me. I skipped over to him, and grabbed his arm, and began to pull him out of the room.

"I can surely walk myself." He says.

"So. Your point being?" I ask.


We finally made it back to my room. I opened the door and stepped in. "Ulquiorra, where are you going to sleep, since, you know, your bed is all bloody and.... Ya."

He pushed me up against the wall, and slammed his fist into the wall next to my face. I flinched not expecting this at all. I look over at where his fist was, and saw he was clenching it.

"Ulquiorra, what's wrong?" I ask lightly.

"Why did you try fighting him, especially when I was gone?"

"I... I wanted to train, and you weren't here. I didn't.... know when you would be back." I reply shocked.

"You couldn't have gone a day without training? You couldn't have asked Gin to train you? You couldn't have found someone who wouldn't have tried to kill you?" He asks, keeping his voice calm. He closed his eyes, and focused on his breathing.

"I know that nobody else takes as serious as Grimmjow does. He makes it a life or death situation, the way real fights are. He makes me try, work hard. Fight on impulse."

"Fighting isn't just on impulse. That's why I'm training with you."

"That what do you fight based on?" I ask

"Observation for one thing."

Tip 26: Always listen to what the one you love has to say. Everything they say to you has meaning in it.

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