.:King of Hueco Mundo:. (Ulquiorra love story)part1

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Part 1: A New Beginning

Blackness surrounded me. Pain... that's all I could feel and think about. Ulquiorra! Don't go. Don't leave me. I love you. I know you love me. You feel. You have a heart! I love you! I love you! I love you!

Can you hear me? Ulquiorra.... Where are you? I need you.... I.... wait.... Do I love you?.... Who do I love?.... Whose Ulquiorra?..... Father... where are you? Help me... I'm in so much pain.. make it stop. Save me from this everlasting pain, somebody. Anybody please make it stop. I can't take it. HELP!

Blackness was all I could focus on. Pain was all I could feel. Am I dead? No, that can't be. I never did anything to die. Ulquiorra help me? But who's Ulquiorra? Why am I calling out to him?

"Mai open your eyes." A voice demanded to me. I can't. It hurts too much. I can't move. I'm dead. Who is talking to me? Is that you Ulquiorra? No.... your voice is different from this one. Who is talking to me?

"Mai, can you hear me?" The voice continues asking. Yes. "Can you answer me in any way? No. I tried to move but just couldn't. "So you can hear me." The voice says. How did he know? "I can see you trying to move. This must be a lot of pain for you. Let me tell you, this was the hardest process for me to make considering you were a soul reaper when I made the process for you."

Who are you?

"Mai, try to move again will you." I did as he said and tried to move.... Blackness.... All around me. The edges of my eyesight began to blur, if that were even possible, and my head began to get light headed.... Blackness was there than nothing. I felt a sharp pain in my arm as I drifted off into nothingness. Just more blackness.

I could feel warmth on my cheeks. I could feel light flooding into my vision. I tried to open my eyes. The pain was overwhelming. "Hey!" A voice yells. "She is awake." I heard a door being slammed open then and hand on my chest.

"Mai, can you hear me?" A familiar guy voice asks me.

"Y....yeah..." I managed to croak out.

"Get her some water." The voice ordered. "Yes sir." The girl says as I assumed she immediately ran out of the room. "Mai can you open your eyes?" The voice asks.

I shook my head no, but tried to open them again. More light flooded in and they immediately shut closed. "Too much light." The boy says. "Turn the lights down." He orders. I felt the lights dim and opened my eyes. "There are the blue eyes I've been dying to see." A blue neon haired guy says.

"Grimm..." I began to say before he 'shhh' me. I nodded my head in a bit of understandment.

"Don't force yourself to speak." He says to me.

I saw a young arrancar come back into the room with a glass of water. Grimmjow grabbed it from her and she left the room. He pressed the glass on my lips and I gulped down the refreshing, hydrating, wet water. Within seconds the water was gone. I smiled from the delicious taste that dripped down my neck.

"Looks like you were really thirsty." Grimmjow says.

"Mhm..." I mutter out while looking around the room. It was my room in Las Noches except now there was a blue couch in here, and my bed sheets matched the color of the couch, other than that everything was still white.

"Is there something you are looking for?" He asks.

"Where am I?" I ask.

Shock washed over his face then it turned to him understanding and he says, "Las Noches."

"What about... Lord Aizen... and my father... and Tousen?" I ask.

"They...." Grimmjow begins before thinking then saying, "They are dead."

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