.:Instructions on how to love:. (Ulquiorra love story) *part6*

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Chapter 6: To Show Emotions.


"WHAT?!!!" I screamed in horror. "Gin's making me do what?"


Looking at me with the blank face Ulquiorra repeated himself for the second time, "He said, he wants you to train with someone, to learn about your zanpakuto."




"I'm not repeating myself again." He says coldly.


"Who am I suppose to train with? Won't they just try to kill me for killing the 9th espada?"


"You would be surprised." He says.


"Well how about you train with me?"


"What a splendid idea." Gin says walking into my room.


"Gin." I say nodding my head at him and glaring.


"Ah Mai, is it really necessary to glare at me like that?" He says smirking.


"Yes." I replied coldly. "Let's go." I say grabbing Ulquiorra's sleeve and pulling him behind me." And we're off.


After a while of walking I stop in my tracks. "Do you know where we are suppose to be going?" I ask with my face turning bright red with embarrassment.


He stepped in front of me and began to lead the way. I let go off his sleeve, and followed behind him. "How do you stay so quiet for so long?" I ask.


No answer came.


"Do you ever say what's on your mind?"




"Do you ever show facial expressions?"




"Why are you here?"




I sighed in defeat. Apparently he wasn't in the mood to talk. I wish I could have gotten stuck with a more talkative person. "Wait. YOUR NOT GOING TO KILL ME ARE YOU?!" I yell.


"No. I am simply going to train with you." He says unemotionally.


"Oh. Okay good." I say. "So do we fight with are swords?" I ask.


"You will." He reply's.


"You're not going to?" I ask.


"I don't need to."


"Are you calling me weak?" I ask.


"Indeed." He says.

Ulquiorra Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now