.:King of Hueco Mundo:. (Ulquiorra love story)part4

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Chapter 4: Purple Eyes and I

I heard a slight noise and bolted straight up in bed. Shadows were in the corner of the rooms from what I could see. I looked toward the window to see the moon was still in the sky. I looked around the room and noticed I was in the room alone.

I walked to the door and opened it up, and saw no one in the hallway. I began to walk down the hallways and head to the cafeteria for a midnight snack. Once I walked in I saw Luppi sitting at a table.

I grabbed some food and sat down in front of Luppi. I noticed he was looking down at his food while he ate.

"Hello." I say.

He quickly looked up in shock and then smiled once he saw me. "Hello Ms. Ichimaru."

I glared and growled a little bit at him and he says, "I see you still don't like Gin."

"How can I? He is dead."

"True." He says.

"You know, he was a bit sad when you died." I say.

"Ya, I heard you were too."

"Did you?" I ask not remembering much of what happened other than the fact that Grimmjow killed him.

"Ya. Everyone says you were screaming and stuff. Also that you were tainted with my blood all over you."

"Yeah, that sounds familiar." I say.

He smiled lightly and says, "Didn't realize you liked me that much."

"You are one of the only people I really talked to." I say.


"Yeah, same with that Menis guy, Grimmjow, and I think Ulquiorra..."

"You think?" He asks.

"Yeah, I don't quite remember everything." I say.

"What do you think you look like?" He asks.

"Uhm, blue eyes, long blonde hair. Short, skinny. Why?"

"Well for starters, your hair isn't long." He says. I quickly reached up and touched my short hair in shock. How could I have not noticed my hair? "and now you also have part of a mask on your face."

"What?" I ask in a deep, angry voice.

"Yup." He says.

I touched my face and felt nothing.

"Let me rephrase it, it's on your head."

I moved my hand to my head and felt a hard structure. Bone....

"And also, your hair is no longer blonde."

"What color is it?" I ask.

"Green." He says.

"WHAT?!" I yell while he began to laugh loudly. My voice got shaky and quiet while I ask, "What's so funny?"

"I'm just kidding. Your hair is still blonde."

"You jerk." I say while looking down at my food and blushing lightly.

"You know, you're cute when you blush."

"Uh, thanks." I say.

"No problem." He says.

Once my food was gone I stood up and began to carry it to the disposal table. Luppi followed behind me while I set my tray an on table. I began to head for the door when he says, "Where are you going? I heard you ruined your door."

Ulquiorra Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now