.:King of Hueco Mundo:. (Ulquiorra love story)part22

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Chapter 22: The Final Day Together

I woke up to something unfamiliar. It was to movement of some type. My eyes opened, and I stirred, until I realized I was laying on Ulquiorra. I froze up, and then smile at how amazing and perfect he looks.

I stood up and ran quickly to get some food. After I ate, I went back to his room, and saw him up, and holding putting his sword in his sash.

"Ready to go?" He asks.

"Almost." I say before kissing his cheek. "Now I am." I say.

He began to walk out of his room and says, "We will be leaving the walls of Las Noches."

"No." I say to quickly. "I, uh, just want to go to the training fields."

He looked at me, and I knew he knew something was wrong, but I still refused to tell him.

He nodded his head sternly. He then began to walk towards the door, but grabbed my hand and pulled me behind him.

"Mai, don't go easy on me on the training field. Fight me as if I am an enemy." He says.

I nodded my head and ask, "Is there a reason?"

"I won't be going easy on you." He says. I stared at him, wondering if this was a joke. Which it wasn't.

"Oh, dang." I say.

He continued walking then says, "Prepare to get a new out fit tonight."

Only for it to be ruined tomorrow. "Okay." I say.

He slowly made our way to the training field, as if neither of us wanted to train. This wasn't exactly how I wanted to spend the day with him, but I wasn't going to say anything about it.

After a bit, we finally made it to the training fields. I unsheathed my sword, ready to attack at anytime. He, too, pulled out his sword.

"Are you ready?" He asks.

I nodded my head even though in reality I was regretting every moment. I just want to walk and talk with you.

He disappeared from my sight, and I felt the slightest bit of spiritual pressure. I threw my sword to my side, and heard the collision of our swords hitting. I felt myself being pushed backwards, but I pushed my heels in the ground and stopped him from moving me anymore, and I pushed forward. Then a light appeared and a loud blast was made.

Smoke flew up in the air. Just barely counteracted that cero. I used my spiritual pressure to fling the smoke away from my body. That was a close one. Wait... where did he go? I spun around in a circle to see him nowhere in sight. I looked up and saw him shooting off another cero. I threw my hand in the air, and grabbed towards his wrist. His cero shut off, leaving a bright light around me.

The smoke cleared up, and I was panting slightly. Damn it... I had used my sword that time to block it, but just barely. I had cuts on my body, but it wasn't bleeding to bad.

"Fine, two can play this game." I say. I through my sword at him, and he blocked it. His movements picked up the pace, and he began to swing at me quickly. I was just barely able to get away from them. At some point he pierced my shoulder. I grabbed onto his sword with my right hand, and left hand I shot a cero at him. Smoke filled the air, and I stood there holding his sword in my shoulder, wondering what just happened.

As the smoke cleared up, I saw that he had his hand up, and scratched up. His eyes stayed on me as if I were too weak. Anger built into me. I held my left hand back, even though it hurt, and threw it forward into his stomach, and at the last moment before it touched his skin, I focused my reiatsu into it. His eyes opened wide, he looked down, and saw my hand in his stomach. "Ew." I say as I take it back out.

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