.:King of Hueco Mundo:. (Ulquiorra love story)part18

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Chapter 18: Beyond the Limits

I made my way to the cafeteria, as slowly as I could manage it. I'm not sure I want to train again. He left me completely tired yesterday, I'm not sure I can handle being so tired again today. What if he makes me go to my limit again, and then what will I do? I can't pull the same tricks on him everyday.

I found myself standing in the cafeteria, just staring out at nothingness. If only I knew more tricks. If only I was as strong as him. If only.... There are too many ifs, and not enough time to think things through. I have a total of 30 minutes at the maximum to come up with something, but what can I do?

I sat down on a bench with a plate of food on the table, and a spoon and a fork, putting food in my mouth and chewing it up. This is kind of lonely without Luppi, not that I miss him to much or anything, but I just wish I could have someone I knew here with me to keep me from being too bored.

I heard someone stirring in the room with me. When I looked up, I saw the girl arrancar sitting across from me.

"Orders?" I ask.

"Yes." She replies while nodding her head excitedly. Doesn't that give her a head ache?

"Oh." I say as I put food in my mouth and swallow. "Do you guys get paid with anything for working or whatever?" I ask.

"No, we are weaker than the lord, so we have to do what he says or else he will kill us."

"Oh, that pretty much sucks." I say.

"Be thankful you mean so much to Ulquiorra, or else he would treat you like trash just like everyone else. I don't know what it is about you, but please don't ever leave his side."

I stared at her and cocked my head to the side. "Is this some kind of a prank?" I ask. I looked around the room and noticed we were the only ones in there other than the arrancars that worked there as well.

"No, why would I joke about something like this. I'm begging you to stay with him."

"You don't need to beg me. I wouldn't leave him for anything in this world." I say while smiling.

"That's nice to know." She replies. "Are you done eating?" she asks.

I nod my head regretting it the moment I nodded.

"Okay, let's go to then." She says while standing up and walking out of the room.

"Where are we going?" I ask.

She looked over her shoulder, smiled, then continued to walk away without answering me.

"Don't ignore me." I demanded at her.

She continued walking, so I ran to catch up with her, and just followed her down the hallways she led me through. Don't tell me, training fields.

Just as I thought, ten minutes later, I found myself standing on the training grounds, zanpakuto in hand, fighting Ulquiorra. He had his hand up defending himself, while holding his sword in his other hand.

Shit shit shit! I scream in my head. He hasn't even broken a sweat yet, and I'm ready to be done.

"Is this all you can do?" He asks in his blank voice.

I glared at him angrily. I hated it when he didn't take me seriously. I swung my sword to the side yelling "Ranpu bakuha!"

A light flew out at him, and he blocked it off with his sword. "That's better." He says. "But still not good enough. Mai, I can feel your reiatsu, so quit holding back on me. You are not stronger than me, so don't be scared that you can hurt me." He says.

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