.:Instructions on how to love!:.(Ulquiorra love story)*part3*

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Chapter 3: What To Do When You're Stuck With Boredom.

He sat my plate of food down on a table in the corner of the room. It's the one thing in this room that isn't white. "How long am I stuck here for?" I ask.

"As long as Gin says you're to stay here."

"I see. So there is no escape for me than I suppose?"


"Hm.... I see."

"So, you're Mai?"

"Mhm...?" I say in a questioning tone in my voice.

"You look just like the description I was given. Gin-sama also said Kagami would have spiritual pressure, stronger than must humans, and you do."

"Is that a bad thing?"

"Ask Gin-sama."

"Okay I guess." I say. He gets up from his seat at the table and begins to leave. I will admit it, I'm still scared of him. Hell this is actually the first time we have even really spoken. He said has the same look on his face. He's like a robot. I still don't even know why he has part of a bone on his head, but I didn't feel like asking him. That's something Gin will explain to me.

After he left the room, I was left alone in the silence once more again. Boy was I getting tired of this room. I walked along each side of the wall, dragging my right hand a crossed it, trying to pass the time. After a couple of laps around the room, I settled down at the desk to eat the food Ulquiorra brought. I ate it, taking my time, trying to waste more time. This place was beginning to get on my nerves. "If I stay in here any longer, I swear, I'm going to go insane."

I walked to the door, and opened it up very slowly. I poked my head out the door and searched the halls for any signs of a living being. None whatsoever like usual. I stepped out and slowly closed my door behind me. I began to walk down the hallway of white. "This place is so boring." I mutter to myself.

I walked through the halls. There were doors every here and there. I didn't dare open them, scared of what be on the other side. I know nothing about this place, but as far as I could tell, it's not your typical place.

I heard someone's footsteps striking the ground in the hall around the corner. I looked around the hall. There was no place I could specifically hide in. I mean there were rooms, but like I said, I wouldn't dare open them, in fear of what might be hiding behind them.

I held in my breathe, as if it could make me invisible, even though I knew it couldn't. It was just a habit of mine for when I get nervous or scared. The person's footsteps stopped, than began to fade. When I could no longer hear them anymore, I let out my breathe, letting myself relax. "Wooh." I say quietly to myself. "That was a close call."

"What was a close call?" A voice says from behind me. I jumped from the sudden appearance of the stranger. I spun around to face the person who about scared me to death. Standing there was a group of people. The one ho spoke to me was in the front of the group. He had red, spiked hair, with a single braid on each side going back. His shirt was sleeveless, and his bone was on his upper left corner of his head, in a shape of a jaw.

"Uhm." I say trying to by myself time and come up with an excuse.

"Well?" He says impatiently.

Sighing in defeat I say, "Well I was hoping I wouldn't get caught out of my room."


"Didn't feel like going against 'Gin's' orders." I say making bunny ears when saying my fathers name. "And that Ulquiorra guy kind of scares me."

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