.:King of Hueco Mundo:. (Ulquiorra love story)part15

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Chapter 15: When Is Tomorrow?

Light... it was so bright. It shone into my closed eyes. My eyes shut even tighter, trying to make the room darker. But that didn't work out for to long. I opened my eyes and heard air run out of someone's mouth. I tried to sit up, but couldn't push myself to do it.

"Don't move." The voice says calmly but wavering in a way.

I looked towards where the sound came from, and saw Ulquiorra sitting in a chair watching me. "What happened?" I asked not sure of what was going on.

"You passed out." He says.

"I gathered that much up." I say while realizing I was in a hospital type place.

I kept my eyes on Ulquiorra, watching him. His eyes were filled with anger, pain, depression, jealousy, and so many more, and the main one seemed to be hate. His eyes were hard and cold.

Reality hit me hard. That's right... we aren't a thing anymore. The tears threatened to come, but I ignored it. Just talk to him. If he is suffering then he has to love you still. He has too.

"You're king...?" I ask dumb-founded. Obviously he is if he is alive.

"Yes." He says while avoiding eye contact. A nurse walked into the room and says, I'm going to examine her now.

He nodded his head, stood up, and left me to be alone in the room. Alone.... Ulquiorra... what should I do?...

After an hour later of being poked and prodded, I was able to leave this room. I jumped off the bed and walked out of the room. Once out of the room, I saw Ulquiorra leaning against the wall.

"What's the damage?" He asks. A broken heart. "Just a sprained wrist, but knowing me, it should be gone soon enough." I say.

He closed his eyes and stepped away from the wall and says, "I see."

He didn't sound concerned at all. This was the unemotional Ulquiorra I knew. The one I changed to feel. My mistake I guess. I made one too many mistakes here though. Anger towards myself built up inside of me. One solution ran through my mind. I hadn't done it since I lived with my mom, but I wanted it more than anything else since I couldn't be with the one I love.

I stepped passed Ulquiorra, ignoring the pain that ran through me. My aching heart, body, and mind. I was sick of thinking. I just wanted to not feel for once. But that would be found to be impossible. I breathe, therefore, I felt pain.

"Can we talk?" I ask surprising myself.

"Not today." He says as if it were a casual thing to say. "Tomorrow though, yes." He says.

Pain was thrown over my whole body, but I nodded my head and began to walk again. I didn't expect us to get back together. I just wanted to talk it out. In a way, I wish I could just forget this all ever happened.

I would ease my pain tonight though, like I did when I lived with my mother. Kagami would so kill me if she ever caught me doing this.

I made my way to the bathroom. I needed a shower, big time. Memories came to the edges of my mind, but they remained there, unable to surface up. I slid my clothing off, and walked into the shower. The water dripped down onto my body. The water mixed in with my tears.

I reached down, and slid something sharp along my skin on my wrist, watching as dark blood poured out of my skin, mixing with my tears, water, pain, and anything else that needed to be washed away.

(Later that day)

I lay on my bed staring at the ceiling, a bandage wrapped around my wrist. Foolish. That word repeated over and over and over in my head. My clothing clutched tightly to my skin.

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