.:Instructions on how to love:. (Ulquiorra love story)*part11*

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Chapter11: The Anger, the Happiness, and the Tears.


I opened my eyes, to find myself in the bed alone. I yawned and stretched out. I smelled something delicious. That's right. I didn't eat much yesterday. I sat up and looked around the room. I noticed that it wasn't my room. I look to my side to find a plate of food on the stand. I took it and ate it.


So last night. That really did happen than? It wasn't just some dream of mine. On cue, Ulquiorra opened the door and stepped in. He looked over at me, and just stood there. "Wow, way to knock." I say.


"This is my room." He says bluntly.


"True." I say back, than yawn. "How'd you sleep?" I asked.


"Fine." He replied.


Oh fun. Mister Robotic Dude is back on duty.


"Except for the fact some girl decided it was necessary to squirm a lot in her sleep."


"Oops." I say smiling nervously. "Sorry." I say.


"Don't be." He says. Let's go. You need to train.


I jumped up, out of his bed, and skipped down the hall, while he walked. Ever now and again I would turn back and tug on his sleeve, trying to make him hurry.


"Someone is really in a hurry." He said by the hundredth time that I tugged on him.


We finally made it to the training grounds. He stopped in the spot I figured would be where he wanted to begin at. I pulled out my purple tie, and tied my hair up. Than I looked around. "Hm. Wonder where Grimmjow is."


"Helllllllo!" A loud voice says. "Looks like I made it just in time." He says.


I smiled and yelled, "Good morning Grimmjow!"


"Same to you." He says than stood off on the side. I ripped off a piece of my sleeve and walked over to where Ulquiorra was. Than I walked around him making a circle. Then I walked around him again making a larger circle.


"Was it really necessary to ruin the shirt?" He asks.


"Yes." I say loudly with a smile spread acrossed my face.


"Someone seems in an extremely good mood." Grimmjow says. "What happened when you guys were gone yesterday, sheesh? You know what, don't answer that. I don't want to know." I walked over to where Grimmjow was, and hit him over the head. Than I made my way back toward Ulquiorra. I reached down, and grabbed my zanpakuto out.


"Glisten, Kesshou." I whisper to my sword. I let my spiritual pressure come out, and attacked at Ulquiorra. He blocked my attacks easily with his sword. That's all he ever seems to do, is block my attacks. Figured as much. I smiled. Than I turned towards Grimmjow. He looked at me with a questioning look, than reached down, and grabbed his sword out. He held it up as I attacked him.

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